How to make a "PLS DONATE!" Game Tutorial

I just want to state, that unless you somehow make an amazing map to accompany your game, there is little chance of making much Robux on the game (as players likely know pls donate is a more populated experience which will likely get them more Robux)


most of the plz donate games are artifically boosted via means of bots, there is no effort with making plz donate games.


The kit looks very nice except for 95% of the time the shirts/pants/tshirts won’t go up onto the stand, It works sometimes but most of the time it never works.


yeah, we’ve seen that issue occuring for the past 24 hours now. sadly that’s something we do not have control over, it’s in the hands of roproxy.

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I know very little to nothing about scripting, is there something different I can use than RoProxy that will work 100% of the time as the other popular donation games? If so what is it and how do I set it up?

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i recommend making your own proxy, as most other proxies don’t support closed inventories

you might want to check this post out


Will twinplayz be uploading a youtube video on this as I just tried setting it up and had no clue how to do it, it’s too complicated for someone like me.


there’s a video link at the bottom of the thread

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It’s not about effort, or artifically boosted. Please Donate games are actually some of the most trending games right now, because its a way for kids to socialize and work on skills like Business. Also lets them in some ways get robux. There is benefits to these games for players. The game isn’t a cash grab in my opinion. These games are just trending because of @haz3mn. He made a wonderful game for other players on Roblox.

This tutorial is for other developers to look at and decide if they want to make a game like this; however, it’s not something to be hated on.


I 100% agree with this. If I was a new player on the Roblox Platform this is 100% the best type of game to earn free and easy Robux.


Can someone leave a downloadable file of the place? I can’t open it


lmbo what, donate plz games should be banned on Roblox as they are low-effort and clog up the front page of Roblox like hair in a drain.

I absolutely disagree


There is nothing wrong with jumping on a trend. This one isn’t against the rules, so it will not and should not be banned. If anything I would encourage jumping on them as you can always invest the funds generated by the game into a project you are passionate about. This topic is about how to make such a game, not a place to complain about how you don’t personally like the trend. (“you” in the general sense, there are several users complaining)


Who cares if they clog up the front page?

They are still a game, that a developer made.

Their are THOUSANDS AND HUNDREDS of click bait, cash games on Roblox and you are chosing please donate?


don’t see the part where they’re low effort, this stuff took the both of us days to code, i respect your opinion on this topic but this is a harsh way to respond especially under a tutorial thread imo


Can you leave a downloadable file of the game? It won’t let me open the Roblox Place.

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It will just say “Loading Game” and never stop, until i get a error

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figured id need to follow up on this;

fixed version is inside of his discord server and will be published to the main game soon
apologies for the proxy issues, the new one includes leaderboards and gamepasses

Though I support the concept of learning through real world examples, this crosses the line.

The issues with this sort of tutorial start with the title. Nobody who legitimately wants to learn will be looking up how to copy a game.

This isn’t a great way of teaching either. The explanations are very short only show how things apply to this specific use case. You’re not really explaining much. This makes it so anybody who isn’t simply trying to copy code is left with incomplete knowledge of what they’re working with or how to use these concepts.

If your intentions weren’t to create copies of a specific game, then why make a tutorial this way? Why make the title mention a specific game? If you wanted to teach people the same concepts used, you could’ve at least showed them in a different use case. Most resources for learning try to showcase general use cases and very basic code samples so people can put things together on their own.

minor points that aren't as important (click to show)

This is “what-about-ism” (google it). Also, a YT tutorial will generally be shown to an audience who mostly aren’t devs and won’t take as much issue with this. Devforum posts are shown to… developers. This may be a reason why it seems like there is less criticism for the same behavior.

Another small point: I also don’t see how the fact that people asked for it means that this isn’t just a guide to copying someone else’s work. Lots of people wanting to copy something does not mean that it is acceptable to copy it.

I should probably clarify that my goal isn’t to start an argument or to personally insult the writer of this post. My goal is to point out why this isn’t a good way of making tutorials. Showing people how to copy a game is not a good way of teaching.


How do I download the game? I don’t see the download button he showed in the tutorial