How to make a request to equip a specific item that you own using AvatarEditorService?

Hi. In the game called Catalog Avatar Creator, there’s a system that allows you to equip the items that you already own by prompting a request to the user. After some research, I found that you can do it using game:GetService("AvatarEditorService"):PromptSaveAvatar function, but I didn’t found any tutorials showing examples of the script on the internet and video platforms, like YouTube. I also watched the documentation, but I don’t understand how it should to help me to do it. Please, help me if you can!

Can I please see an example of the script that I should to write?

it takes only 3seconds of research using just google

additional, this is an offical roblox api example docs for your refance

Alright, now I have another question. How can I check user’s inventory status (like if it’s private or not)?

And how can I change humanoid description?

you not reading

if you just want to check user’s inventory status : GetInventory() should do the job

Google before anything
ApplyDescription() would do the job

Alright, but how can I request to remove all player’s items from his avatar and equip a specific one? I tried writing this code, but it didn’t work:

local AvatarEditorService = game:GetService("AvatarEditorService")


local Result = AvatarEditorService.PromptAllowInventoryReadAccessCompleted:Wait()

if Result == Enum.AvatarPromptResult.Success then
	local AvatarEditorService = game:GetService("AvatarEditorService")
	local Players = game:GetService("Players")

	local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
	local Humanoid = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name):WaitForChild("Humanoid")

	local CurrentDescription = Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
	AvatarEditorService:PromptSaveAvatar(CurrentDescription, Humanoid.RigType)

	Result = AvatarEditorService.PromptSaveAvatarCompleted:Wait()
	if Result == Enum.AvatarPromptResult.Success then
		print("Successfully saved avatar!")

you didnt apply the description to humanoid

Because I can’t do that using LocalScript (Idk why)

then use it on serverside or sth

It says that it can be only called by the backend server

yes then just use on serverside