How to make a roblox gear catalog?

How do I make a UI that fetches gears (weapons, tools, etc) from the Roblox Avatar Shop and displays them?

Kind of like the Avatar editors in avatar games.
Thanks in advance!

You can use insertservice and like GUIButton.Mouse1Click and give the gear to the player

yes, but I want a system with HttpService that JSON:Decodes the gears from the roblox page (

What do you mean and how would that work?

there are games on roblox like MuneebParwazMP’s Catalog Avatar Creator:

I want to make a catalog like that, but with gears instead of avatar items

But what’s the point of using something like json decode when insert service works just fine

no no, i want json just to fetch all the roblox gears, and then whenever a player clicks one of the buttons, i can use insertservice

so i will fetch all gears and put them in a nice ui, then players can click the buttons and get the gears

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You should look for topics like this.

Catalog API

ok, i will do that, thanks for the help!