Hi, I saw these portals in the metaverse hub and was wondering how I could learn to make similar ones. Whenever I move my viewpoint, the inside of the portal also changes and I want to make that similar effect. I have little clue on where to start, anyone have any articles I can start from? Thank you.
Those are done using a ViewportFrame. First a scene is built in studio at the correct place in the world. Then, in game, the scene is put in the ViewportFrame and the VPF’s camera is set to the current camera. The circular portal shape is made using a UICorner. Then the ViewportFrame is placed on a SurfaceGui on the portal.
Okay I’m going to try it out. Thank you!
it’s a slightly-modified version of the portal effect that egomoose + emilybendsspace made.
(they solved the annoying cframe math has to be done because the plane of the fake-world-viewport can be (normally is) offset, skewed, and rotated relative to the normal camera viewport / your screen)
Thanks! I just checked it out.
I tried doing that, but the 3D effect is inversed, is there a way to fix that?
this is just objectively not correct, or at least not completely. not really sure why you said that when that doesnt work but you need to do a lot of cframe distortions to actually get the 3D effect to work. See egomoose’s documentation on how they made the effect here: Re-Creating a Portal Effect, - #44 by EgoMoose