How to make a slider that changes your size

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to make a slider that changes your size

  2. What is the issue? I have no clue where to start

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve looked lots of places but found nothing.

This is for a commission so any links to anything that is helpful would be nice. Thank you!


Tip: You should not take up a commission if you know you can’t do what the client is asking for.

Anyway, here are some helpful links:

This was something he added at the last moment and I should’ve been more specific. I was looking for the maths to scale the character based on where the slider is at. Thanks and sorry


You can take the Size’s X Scale and make that the percentage of the maximum character size.

Thanks and if I were doing specific things like changing only the head size I would change the head size to the x scale ofc with division to make it correct


i think this may help R15 Character Scaling

Thats what I am using. Thanks anyway