How to make a smooth dip in my terrain?

Basically, I needed to make a curve in my terrain, and how I went about that is I used Bezier Path Plugin to lay out the whole curve, then I used Part to terrain pluging to transform that curve into, you guessed it, terrain. Here is the final result:

As you can see, it’s not really clean is it? I could use terrain tools to make it look smoother but that’ll take a while to make it look perfect, and overall it’ll be inefficient.
Do you guys have any idea of how to make a perfect curve in the ground everytime?

Terrain takes a lot of time and patience. The best way to make smooth, good looking terrain is to use Roblox’s terrain tools to their fullest extent. Terrain can take a lot of time, so good luck.

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I personally have used terrain a lot, but never really found it “easy.” You can use the fill button to get the terrain perfectly smooth though.

I use Quenty’s Part-To-Terrain plugin, I can simply carve out the parts I want to make holes in and it will do it for me. I think you can also use meshes with it as well if you want to make custom shapes.

Here’s the link: Part-To-Terrain - Roblox

Just a few minutes ago I learnt about the existence of that pluging in this forum, now that you suggested it, I’ll buy it and give it a try. Luckily, 25 robux is exactly the amount I have left!