local data
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
data = DataStore:SetAsync(plr.UserId)
This code is making the error, its pretty self explanitory. Also you are using pcall’s without handling the outcome you should read the article i gave you fully and dont rush and paste writing code like you did here it creates really silly errors
Thats the code from the OP, not me. I just gave the code and said “this code is making the error, its pretty self explanitory.” you should read my full post before saying its incorrect
I think you didnt understand what I meant there, first of all why would you except me to say its incorrect then say its correct out of nowhere, what I meant there is OP is using pcall’s without handling the outcome.
If you still lose information, its probably roblox’s fault as i said. You can do nothing about that just blame them if you want to. If you really want to minimize it just use profileservice.