How to make a system that detect when exploit execute script?

Actually, It has extra protection over the Client. If the Client script is ever deleted the Server Overrides it and still executes the command. Also the Server can bypass my remotes because the way I set it up.

P.S. I tested it without Client and Remotes.

If you want to test it join this game: (6) [Update] Diamond Resort Hotel - Roblox

The script does work and Local scripts can replicate to the server. It depends on the way to script it.

Edit: You can run clones across the server-side to the Client side.

Have you read my full post?

Please read again top to bottom. As I mentioned I am working on ways to Whitelist certain windows.

Also, I don’t think there is a way to break the script if you come back to the Roblox Player?

You can’t, though. Besides, even if you could, there’s no way you’ll be able to whitelist/blacklist every Windows application ever.

No it doesn’t:

However, note that I did have to remove a section (or else the code would not work at all):

Also, for proof that I did do what you told me to:

No it doesn’t (see above)

No it can’t (see above)

No it can’t

I left it, came back to it and still got kicked:

Try changing the time limit. but I can assure you the script works although it needs a little tweaks.

What are you replying to?

The issue isn’t the time limit. Read my post again.

The issue is getting kicked when you come back?

Currently, this is what was intended to happen. It prevents abuse if it was someone actually exploiting.

So it’s not a time limit, more of a time delay.

However, the real issue is that it doesn’t work.

Read my post again.

First of all, You put the Client script in the wrong location. Second, You aren’t reading my instructions correctly.

It doesn’t go in StarterPlayerScripts. It goes in StarterCharacter

I’m losing my patience.

Read my post again. Look at it very carefully. Do not reply until you have thoroughly looked at my post.


I don’t see the issue here because it seems like it is working based on your video.

You have not looked at my post.

Look at my post.

Notice how I do not get kicked after changing windows to the Settings application.

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That is what it is supposed to do as of right now. I think we have a misunderstanding.

As soon as you click off of the Roblox Application even though the window is opened you should still get kicked.

The point is that I didn’t get kicked!!! Look at my post!!!

I watched your video over and over again and you still got kicked. Try setting the Delay to 0 and see if it kicks immediately.

I don’t know why people continues to reply to this post. There is no way to know when the client opens an exploit executor.

Some of the ways that people do so is by checking how much memory increased which is totally inaccurate. What if your game creates a bunch of objects rapidly and the memory increase by a bunch? Would you consider this an exploit injection? No.

The only thing you can do at this point is secure your RemoteEvents/RemoteFunctions as well as making an Anti-Exploit for character related exploits like teleporting, speeding, flying, no-clipping, between others.

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I am leaving this discussion if you can’t do me the basic respect of looking at my post.

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The reason you didn’t get kicked was because you destroyed the local script. However, if you delete it while testing it will still kick.

Try removing it while testing.

The purpose of this is for the client side if the client deletes the script not the server.

An exploiter can do the same thing?

This isn’t a problem on my end, it’s a problem on yours.

I’m no longer responding to this conversation.

I see what you are saying and I am trying to provide my advice. However, I currently don’t detect destroyed scripts.