How to make a system that tells the direction of the shooter is?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? just like I said in the title, make a system that tells the direction of the shooter is?

  2. What is the issue? I don’t know where to start

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I can’t search for a tutorial because I don’t know what’s called

you mean by direction is the last position where he shot right? then that’s easy just make a table and everytime u shoot it saves the player’s last position in the table. Or if u want you can have a CFrame/Vector Instance that is inside every player and set it there.

no, i mean to make a system that tells the player the direction of the enemy who shot at the player

Well what you can do is make an gui or something, but lets say we pick gui then we make the gui an arrow then we can just rotate the arrow accordingly to the world position of the shooter.

something like this i guess

but if just wanna show the enemy’s location then you can have a billboardgui on their character revealing their location

so how do i make the arow rotate to that world position?

this could help, sorry i forgot to reply xd