How to make a train bounce up and down?

How would I be able to make a train bounce up and down? I don’t know much about spring constraints.

This is more of a building issue than a scripting issue.

Also, what do you mean by ‘bounce up and down’? Since you know what you mean but we can’t read your mind you have to be really specific, like trying to explain it to a 5 year old.

Do you mean you want it to have suspension on the wheels? That might be asking a lot of the physics engine since you probably have joints between cars, joints between the wheel bogies and the carriage, as well as joints between the axles & the bogie.

You should use the Search button up top, since train questions have been asked many times in the forums.
Try this tutorial place I made for someone else here. Look in the VehicleSeat for how the scripts are set up, and use the Studio > Model > Constraints > and click on the ConstriantDetails and ShowOnTop tools to see how the Constraints are set up.

Test Train, bogeys with tilt (VectorForce or Hinges).rbxl (174.8 KB)

Suspension I mean, sorry for the incorrect use of language. Is there a process of setting that up?

Why do you need suspension for a Roblox train? Do you have off-road tracks? :wink:
Rails should be relatively smooth, and as I said before, you shouldn’t add more Constraints if you don’t need them.

I want the train to bounce randomly (suspension)

For example like every 10 secs the train bounces.

Use PrismaticConstraints with a SpringContraint on the axles and change the Spring FreeLength to make it bounce.

Alright, do both prismatic and spring go here? (I have a hinge constraint connected to the train)

Actually in a case like that you could use a SlidingBallConstraint, but I was just looking at the create.roblox site and the description of that is only for the Prismatic properties.
The sliding ball will allow the bogey to move up and down, and the hinge axis could be turned 90 degrees so the bogey will rotate to follow the rails.

I’m going to send a bug report about the links for Prismatic & BallSocket Constraints.

Alright, I will tell you the outcome once I have finished my train.

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