How to make Admin commands for my game

I needed help in making Admin commands for my game. No matter how much I try, I can’t seem to get it correct. I want it to be so if I have the prefix (ex. !), other players can’t see the message. I also need help making the commands. I have tried videos but none of them teach how to do it. I looked for solutions on the forum but could not find any that would help me.

If you can help me, contact me @Warrior#5281 on Discord.
Thank You!


Next time use the search bar.


I did but did not find it really helpful.


Why not? It seems useful.

(30 chars)

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I mean it is useful, but not what I’m looking for.

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Well then, use a free model one.

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I tried, all models are weird.

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Use Kohls Admin or HD admin. They are both good.

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I’ve used HD before, but my case is different. Every game has specific commands accustomed to it. Like tp me gasstation. HD does not have that.

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[poof, there is now no message here]


Ok. Would really appreciate it.

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If you follow the tutorial you can get an example in how to create that. And if you do some research to see what you have to do tp to a part (gas station) that would help. We also can’t just give you scripts.

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Here is a video Alvin Blox made that might help:

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Here is a example. It is super sloppy.

adminExample.rbxm (1.3 KB)

It will not let me download the file?

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Hm… I don’t know what’s wrong. Just click it.

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No success at all in opening it.

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Oh, in opening it? Just drag the file into studio.

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Okay, let me try that. What do you mean by drag it into studio?

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This. (Sorry for bad quality)

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