thank you, this helped and it will save me a lot of time and also it will make the script a lot cleaner
Sorry for bumping. How about making a Health Bar like this?
There’s like the character outline while being filled up with colors as the current health.
Just now I was checking for some health bar UIs in the Toolbox, and found out that the one I picked, had a script executor (I didn’t check it visually but it appeared to be similar to UTG). This serves as a warning for anyone who wishes to do the same.
It’s better off making it on your own.
yea i think u can make it using the UI Transparency
yes true ppl use free models without checking them and this cause in-game problems
How do I make this scale left to right instead of right to left
Also to people who are wondering why this isn’t working, the “background” of the Healthbar you are using must be parented to the “background” your Healthbar is using
i think u need to change the anchor point to (1,1)
Great tutorial, simple and easy to follow.
Here’s how it looks
thank you for the support <3 mate
a question. how did you get the health bar numbers?
Create a text label inside the HealthBar frame.
Set the text label properties.
After that, go to the local script and paste this line inside the UpdateHealthbar()
HealthLabel.Text = math.floor(Humanoid.Health).. '/' ..Humanoid.MaxHealth
Works, though I had to make some modifications since some variables in the scripts were unused (and you made the tweenservice time as humanoid/health/humanoid.maxhealth for some reason. Overall a decent health bar but I wouldn’t call it advanced.
ye I agree with you I made this quite a long time ago I will probably release another one with better scripts
Just sharing this script if anyone want a modified version where the screengui doesn’t have to require the resetonspawn property.
local TW = game:GetService("TweenService")--Get Tween Service
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer --Get The Player
local Healthbar = script.Parent -- Get The Health Bar
local function UpdateHealthbar(Humanoid) --Health Bar Size Change Function
local health = math.clamp(Humanoid.Health / Humanoid.MaxHealth, 0, 1) --Maths
local info = / Humanoid.MaxHealth,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0) --Tween Info
TW:Create(script.Parent,info,{Size = UDim2.fromScale(health, 1)}):Play() -- Create The Tween Then Play It
local healthSignal
local healthSignalMax
local function updatePlrConnections(Char)
if healthSignal then
healthSignal = nil
if healthSignalMax then
healthSignalMax = nil
local Humanoid = Char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") --Get The Player Humanoid
healthSignal = Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Health"):Connect(function()
healthSignalMax = Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("MaxHealth"):Connect(function()
--load manualy first
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
--load auto after
Hi, are releasing another one?
Will there be a new post ?