How to make an isometric camera view?

What i want to do is make the player camera isometric so that it follows the player but with an isometric view, similar to the Sega game Sonic 3D Blast, however, how would I do that, since i don’t know how to manipulate the player camera while also allowing the player to control in (by movement)

Hi @leokev23! Honestly, the best way to go about this is to get yourself familiar with Roblox’s camera system. I would start by familiarizing myself with it, and then making small systems. Build your way up to it. I’ve attached several articles, to help you out (reading through them may aid you. You can take their code, and tweak it to work for you). They are as follows:

Youtube Vid (top-down veiw, but you can make it side veiw, etc)

Youtube Vid - Third Person Over The Shoulder

Camera Manipulation Article
ScriptingHelpers Article
Devforum Article (Locking players camera)
Hope this helps, have a great day! :blush:


In terms of the isometric part - set the field of view to like 1 and move the camera wayyyy back.