Im trying to make a ram move which you can hold to gain speed, and while this move is active, your turn speed needs to be lower.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
The current solution i have is while skill is hold down, i change the users mouse delta sensitivity and it slows down ur turning, but the user can easily bypass this by simple raising their mouse sensitivity, or raising their Camera Sensitivity from the settings.
Yes i have looked almost through all related dev forum posts but to no avail.
This is a video that shows both examples of low and high sensitivity:
I think a common solution to something like this is making the character maybe turning slower towards the direction the camera is facing so actually turning the camera itself doesnt slow down only character rotation, but I don’t know.
From a quick look in the PlayerScripts it looks like the camera cframe is updated line 517 in “CameraModule” function CameraModule:Update(dt) --505 functioncurrentCamera.CFrame = newCameraCFrame --517 the workspace.currentcamera set to a new cframe so maybe if you store the old orientation in a variable or the orientation 100ms ago or something such, then you can say the camera cframe cant be x more than the old cframe or you will set the new cframe to the old cframe + the limit you can turn at.
If you continue to use what you use now as a base for most players, then also having the check that the new cframe isnt more than the limit as a backup since I think it could be difficult to make it look smooth, then perhaps it could make a good result.
Other than this I can’t think of any other way than making your own camera script or such, which doesn’t sound like a good idea or any fun
I got a really messy module script that atleast stops the player from turning too far
local LIMIT = 500
local cam = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
local last_cf = 0
local last_call = 0
local m = {}
local function AlwaysPositive(num) --dunno if theres a premade function for this or smt
if(num<0) then
return num-(num*2)
return num
local function DegreeMath(one,two)
if(one>150 and two<-150) then --If they spin REALLY fast this could be a problem idrk tbh
return (180-one)+(two+180)
elseif(one<-150 and two>150) then
return (one+180)+(180-two)
return AlwaysPositive(one-two)
function m:LimitTurnSpeed(new_cf)
local now = os.clock()
local offline = now-last_call
last_call = now
local limit = offline*LIMIT
local _,ori = new_cf:ToOrientation()
local rot = math.deg(ori)
local speed = DegreeMath(rot,last_cf)
if(speed>limit) then
warn("TOO FAST! "..speed,limit) --Del me after testing (:
local ncf = * CFrame.fromEulerAngles(0,math.rad(last_cf),0)
return ncf
warn("Turning is okay! "..speed,limit) --Del me after testing (:
last_cf = rot
return false
return m
Basically I just call function m:LimitTurnSpeed(new_cf) before setting the new camera cframe in the camera module, this will calculate “speed” which is how far the player’s camera turned and if it is more than the number calculated based on the time since last check and LIMITER, then the camera will go back to last time it was at an acceptable speed.
The script is very messy and only tested a few times but seems to atleast stop bypassers of your script slowing their sens down. You can adjust LIMITER more or less regardning how fast the players should be allowed to turn
The camera module:
local currentCamera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera :: Camera
local ncf = TURN_SPEED_LIMITER:LimitTurnSpeed(newCameraCFrame)
if(ncf) then
currentCamera.CFrame = ncf
currentCamera.CFrame = newCameraCFrame
currentCamera.Focus = newCameraFocus
I started messing with turning the camera as far as possible considering the limiter but it became is mess really fast so I didn’t bother doing more with that myself.
Also I don’t really know why it’s moving the camera but a player that isn’t trying to bypass the sens change wouldn’t see the effects of this script anyways so the only possible issue I see with this is if the players can gain an advantage with moving the camera intentionally…