How to make chat tag with rotation gradient

So I have seen someone have a rainbow chat tag with UIgradients before but I don’t even know how to make a chattag how do I make a chattag then with UIGradient

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I think you have to use Billboard GUI’s?

I tried sorry I don’t know

Don’t post if you don’t know. I said chat tag, not overhead nametag

Okay sorry,
Dont boost topic though please.

Ok so I gotten soehwere wit h script from other devforum post

local sss = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local cs = require(sss:WaitForChild("ChatServiceRunner"):WaitForChild("ChatService"))
local players = game:GetService("Players")

local other = {'iSyriux'}

	local Speaker = cs:GetSpeaker(PlrName)
	for _, v in pairs(other) do
		if players[PlrName].Name == v then
			Speaker:SetExtraData('Tags', {{TagText = "Developer", TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), TagGradient = script.UIGradient}})

But Is not Working

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Does absolutely no one know how to do this? I’ve seeen it done before.

Are you meaning, the colours also change in real time? Like if they have spoke once it changes even without them speaking again or when they speak it’s a different colour?

Yes ,

I would explain how to do it but I’m doing something at the moment, here is a link to some kind of “free model” but it’s good to look at -

^ In addition this will help for learning wise as you can look into the script. - Sorry about me giving you a video lol.


Alright, last thing I saw your response on here: Does anyone know how to give a chat tag a gradient? - #2 by xXCodeAltXx, you stated it doesn’t work meanwhile it still does. Basically put the children from the “ChatWithGradient” inside the service, “Chat” and then that’s it, change the name in that script and there you go.



Quick edit: To conclude to this, they are using a ColorSequence inside the UIGradient itself.
You could probably look a little more into this.

How to make the UIGradient activity, like rotation UIGradient in chat lively

I’ve never really looked into UIGradient, so sadly I’m not sure… I’ll have a look tomorrow and reply with something if I seem to have found anything that could help.