How to make? class system

there is no my player chooses a class and there is no notification

Okay, when the player chooses the class, they rank up to the class automatically, but to get the class they get a boost, but is that part implemented already yet or is there work for it?

Yes there is, I did this: the player chooses a class, then presses the buy button

Okay, it’s good. When the player presses buy, is the class bought yet, then the player sees the next class to buy?

no but I want to add this I have only 2 classes in the game

That’s good. When the player upgrades the class, is there a specific struggle that is having problems, or is it not implemented yet? It’s not very easy to tell from the current script.

when I buy a class, all the power disappears, but I don’t get a boost

I see. In the script, it doesn’t look like the multiplier is applied. Maybe it should have an or with the condition to check if the player is the class on the server script using the module “classMults”.

classMults.fClass = 1
classMults.dClass = 2
return classMults

Yes, but where the module is used. In the server script, try this.

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.AddStat
local alertClients = game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerMessage
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local gamepassId = 251841658
local strengthPass = 251310188
local endPass = 251310008

local mults = require(game.ServerStorage.classMults)

local function ownsgamepass(userId, gamepassId)
	local ownsGamepass
	local s,res = pcall(function()
		ownsGamepass = MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(userId, gamepassId)
	return ownsGamepass

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, stat, val, op)
	local value = val -- to not alter original value
	local owns = ownsgamepass(player.UserId, gamepassId)
	if (stat == "Strength" and ownsgamepass(player.UserId, strengthPass))
		or (stat == "Endurance" and ownsgamepass(player.UserId, endPass)) then
		value *= 2
	if op == "+" then
		if owns then
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value += value * 2
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value += value
	elseif op == "set" then
		if owns and not stat:match("Multi") then
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value = value * 2
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value = value
		if val:match("Class") then
			alertClients:FireAllClients(player.Name.." has ranked up to "..value.."!") -- doesn't need player to send to

You need to add the code to multiply the new values with the class using the classMults module on the server, but on the one time use category classes I’m not sure if it’s intended to do that or just multiply it once or for new stats.

ok I inserted this into my script thank you

I meant the multiplication module:

You should put that on the client, because I don’t think the gamepass and the class are in relation.

ServerScriptService.AddStatScript:35: attempt to perform arithmetic (mul) on string and number - Server - AddStatScript:35

Try this:

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.AddStat
local alertClients = game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerMessage
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local gamepassId = 251841658
local strengthPass = 251310188
local endPass = 251310008

local mults = require(game.ServerStorage.classMults)

local function ownsgamepass(userId, gamepassId)
	local ownsGamepass
	local s,res = pcall(function()
		ownsGamepass = MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(userId, gamepassId)
	return ownsGamepass

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, stat, val, op)
	local value = val -- to not alter original value
	local owns = ownsgamepass(player.UserId, gamepassId)
	if (stat == "Strength" and ownsgamepass(player.UserId, strengthPass))
		or (stat == "Endurance" and ownsgamepass(player.UserId, endPass)) then
		value *= 2
	if op == "+" then
		if owns then
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value += value * 2
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value += value
	elseif op == "set" then
		if owns and not stat:match("Multi") then
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value = value * 2
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value = value
		if val:match("Class") then
			alertClients:FireAllClients(player.Name.." has ranked up to "..value.."!") -- doesn't need player to send to

tell the white log message before the error in this code, just to see what the value data actually is.

ServerScriptService.AddStatScript:36: attempt to perform arithmetic (mul) on string and number - Server - AddStatScript:36

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.AddStat
local alertClients = game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerMessage
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local gamepassId = 251841658
local strengthPass = 251310188
local endPass = 251310008

local mults = require(game.ServerStorage.classMults)

local function ownsgamepass(userId, gamepassId)
	local ownsGamepass
	local s,res = pcall(function()
		ownsGamepass = MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(userId, gamepassId)
	return ownsGamepass

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, stat, val, op)
	local value = val -- to not alter original value
	local owns = ownsgamepass(player.UserId, gamepassId)
	if (stat == "Strength" and ownsgamepass(player.UserId, strengthPass))
		or (stat == "Endurance" and ownsgamepass(player.UserId, endPass)) then
		value *= 2
	if stat.ClassName ~= "StringValue" and type(value)~='number' then
		error("value is not number. the value is", value, "the stat is", stat)
	if op == "+" then
		if owns then
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value += value * 2
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value += value
	elseif op == "set" then
		if owns and not stat:match("Multi") then
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value = value * 2
			player:WaitForChild(stat).Value = value
		if val:match("Class") then
			alertClients:FireAllClients(player.Name.." has ranked up to "..value.."!") -- doesn't need player to send to

This one should have a more detailed error message

ServerScriptService.AddStatScript:28: invalid argument #2 to ‘error’ (number expected, got string) - Server - AddStatScript:28

I’m sorry to distract you, you have corrected there is simply no answer from you

get class Mults script

func.OnServerInvoke = function(player)
	local class = player.Class
	local mults = require(game.ServerStorage["classMults"])
	local classMult
	if class.Value == "F-Class" then
		classMult = mults.fClass
	elseif  class.Value == "D-Class" then
		classMult = mults.dClass
	return classMult

Sorry, I was offline for some time since it was late when I was writing that. I won’t be online for a while.

That’s a weird error. Try changing error to warn.