How to make community milestone

how do i make this community board like how do i make likes count live and visits


The devforum does not provide with you full scripts. This place is for you to ask specific questions with context.


he never asked for a full script he asked for directions >: (

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The thing is, I would provide him a tutorial but his question is so generic.

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You can do this through a proxy and make a request to although beyond that I do not believe you can do this unless you want to store a copy which you update yourself. I believe this has been done to stop being from internally doxxing roblox by spamming the API with requests on data.

I do believe the developers will likely either make a run time request to the API or will store the value themselves.

You should provide him with directions. If you don’t want to, then don’t respond to the thread. “How to” insinuates that hes asking how it would be done and not for you to write the entire scripts for him - he has not at a single point asked you to write it for him. His question is generic either, and I somewhat doubt you could write a tutorial on how to do this - although feel free to say that you can do this without a proxy API request and I’ll happily apologize.

Devforum should be a place where you can ask any question, basic or complex and get useful feedback - not to be told your post is generic (although no one has asked this before).


You would create a new datastore for everyone to use. Normally you would create a data key for each player, but this key you will name something like “Milestone”, and you would use that key to retrieve data for each player. When the player does something, simply add to the datastore, and update it every so often.

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I don’t know the procedure to this and I am learning, as I made a topic of the same sorts and I was instantly shutdown the same way. So I assumed that is the way to respond to this type of questions.

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what do you mean no it’s not. this is totally explainable lol

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Use Froast’s Fixing HttpService Method for the proxies and requests. You will then be able to get the current amount of favorites for the game. To implement this:

local NumberOfFavorites = 1 -- use the Proxy service to get this variable's value
local MaximumSize = 200 -- change this to the maximum offset x size the green bar can fit
local FavoritesGoal = 40000 -- self explanatory

local GuiFrame = workspace.SurfaceGui.Frame -- path to the green bar frame
local PercentLabel = workspace.SurfaceGui.TextLabel -- path to the percentage label

GuiFrame.Size = / MaximumSize, 0, ySize, yOffset)

if NumberOfFavorites / FavoritesGoal == 1 then
    PercentLabel.Text = '100%'
elseif NumberOfFavorites / FavoritesGoal == 0 then
    PercentLabel.Text = '0%'
elseif NumberOfFavorites % 10 ~= 0
    PercentLabel.Text = string.sub(tostring(NumberOfFavorites / FavoritesGoal), 3, 4) ..'%'
    PercentLabel.Text = string.sub(tostring(NumberOfFavorites / FavoritesGoal), 3) ..'0%'

I wrote this on the devforum, not Studio so if there’s a mistake I’d be glad to fix it.


thanks i will try it out ---- 30 char

Why did you complicate it with 5 if statements when you could just do

local NumberOfFavorites = 1000
local FavoritesGoal = 40000

local progress = (math.floor(NumberOfFavorites/FavoritesGoal*100 + 0.5).."%")
print (progress)


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