How to make fireball abilty for boss

Can you explain what happens after calling the function? And are there any errors?

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There are no errors, and what happens is that the fireball spawn but the linearVelocity has no effect

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Try Debugging I guess with prints everywhere

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oh… well that was the problem? i thought something else

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For some reason it didn’t show errors last time but now it shows two:
21:03:07.952 ReplicatedStorage.BossAttacks:4: attempt to index nil with ‘Character’ - Server - BossAttacks:4 and
21:03:07.952 Requested module experienced an error while loading - Server - Script:2


function BossAttacks:BossAttacksFireBalls(boss)
    local fireball = game.ReplicatedStorage.FireBall:Clone()
    fireball.Parent = workspace
    fireball.Position = boss.PrimaryPart.Position
    local Direction = char.PrimaryPart.Position - boss.PrimaryPart.Position
    fireball.Velocity = Direction.Unit * 1000  -- Set the Velocity property correctly

It does not work as i am using linearVelocity but you seem to be using just velocity which does not work

Ah 1 second, you call localplayer from module script?

You should also try changing:
local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character or game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()

LocalPlayer only works in LocalScript

Still same error it does not seem to be a typo

That does seem plausible to be a problem…

What type of script is the original requiree of the module?

A local script so its not localplayer

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I see. I think you should try along the lines of

local selectedPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayers(); selectedPlayer = selectedPlayer[math.random(1, #selectedPlayer)]
local char = selectedPlayer.Character or selectedPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()

and changing the boss attack requiree script to a server script.

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You call it from ModuleScript right?

it calling from to functions
(boss) to (player, boss)

then call it with target player however you plan to do it with

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Can you show both module script and The script to call that function (I mean is it from script or local script)

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Its says: 21:13:59.615 ReplicatedStorage.BossAttacks:4: invalid argument #2 to ‘random’ (interval is empty) - Server - BossAttacks:4

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I see. I think you should add

if not game.Players:GetPlayers() then

before the random check.

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It still does not work and leave your messages there as i will test them out tomorow and i am going to sleep

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Try This for Player Call in ModuleScript

local BossAttacks = {}
local pathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

function BossAttacks:SummonMinions(player, boss)
        local Character = player.Character
	local zombies = {game.Workspace["Zombie-Type-1"], game.Workspace["Zombie-Type-32"]}
	local clones = 10
		for i, v in pairs(zombies) do
			local clone = v:Clone()
			clone.Parent = workspace
			clones -= 1
	until clones == 0
 function BossAttacks:BossAttacksFireBalls(player, boss)
                local Character = player.Character
		local fireball = game.ReplicatedStorage.FireBall:Clone()
		fireball.Parent = workspace
		fireball.Position = boss.PrimaryPart.Position
		local Direction = char.PrimaryPart.Position - boss.PrimaryPart.Position
		local velo = fireball.LinearVelocity
		velo.LineDirection = Direction
		velo.LineVelocity = 1000

return BossAttacks