How to make inverse kinematics like BHRM5

Hi this is my first post to the devforum(i finally got accepted yay moment) so if there is anything i can improve on i would be glad to hear

I am creating a FPS game but I would like to add some inverse kinematics like the one in BHRM5

If you don’t get the idea yet this I what I am talking about

robloxapp-20220810-0959024.wmv (1.8 MB)

My solutions which didn’t work well were using IK module by iGottic
(the animations were blocky/unrealistic)

My Requirements
I am thinking of it to use custom animations when the character walks left/right/forwards/backwards

As an added bonus could there be some footplanting

btw i am new to scripting lol so simplify the solutions if anyone has any
dont forget to give the script

That isn’t inverse kinematics, to me it looks like different animations being played depending on your velocity/move direction

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tbh they look the same but whatever it is can you give me a script if you know this type of stuff any maybe some footplanting
anyways thanks for the clarifcation
also congrats, you were the first person ever to reply to my post

use a script to check the direction that the player is moving, and play an animation based off of velocity. as for footplanting, you can find a module to do so with your improved animations.

Here’s a post on a breakdown of inverse kinematics. Sorry for bumping an old thread :slight_smile: