How to make it so that the player can chose any RGB color for a tool?

Alright, but so I need to put tonumber()?

You can, or learn how to restrict your text box input to only numbers.

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Back and yeah, tonumber is probably the easier way to prevent letters from jumbling into your rgb numbers.

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To account for non-number values, expand from something like this:

	local r = tonumber(frame.RBOX.Text)
	if not r then return end
	local g = tonumber(frame.GBOX.Text)
	if not g then return end
	local b = tonumber(frame.BBOX.Text)
	if not b then return end
	player.Character.Tool.Handle.Color = Color3.fromRGB(r, g, b)
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Also, why doesn’t it put the color correctly? It only puts G, B values.