How to make joinlogs w/ a discord webhook?


I was wondering how to make a joinlogging script that sends logs to a discord webhook?


This post below shows how to do this except making a webhook for joinlogs isn’t really the ideal use for webhooks since Discord has a limit of 30 messages per minute per webhook.


What could I use to log then? Roblox only supports discord webhooks for logs, right?

Well anything with HTTP compatibility should work.

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Any suggestions? I don’t know any looking program apart from discord webhooks

It depends on what you want. Discord is the easiest to use but I’m aware that Trello & Google Sheets have HTTP built-in. But really anything with HTTP requests will work.


Discord isn’t the sole logger for things from roblox – it is not even advised to be used because discord would terminate your account if you send too many requests, and if join logging is what you use webhooks for, most likely you’ll get your webhook removed or your account terminated. With Google Sheets and Trello, you’ll reach the limits quickly if you have a big game, so you may want to look into some things like MongoDB and MySQL


How would I make logs on it tho? Do I do it the exact same way as discord webhooks?

You have to check their API. Each service has different methods of how to format the data.

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Kind of, the way discord webhooks is that you’d have to send a POST request to the discord’s webhook URL.

That’s the same case for your own personal database, make a POST request to your database URL and the rest will be handled with your external server/script.

If you’re planning to use services such as Google Sheets, you’d have to keep in mind of their rate limits. For example, google sheets has a rate limit of 500 requests per 100 seconds per project. However; if you were to host your own MySQL database via (eg; glitch) and you’re a premium glitch user, you’d get unlimited requests so you won’t ever be rate limited.

Try taking a look at this if you’re planning to use Google Sheets. Ofcourse; the resource provided is not a 100% straight on guide on how to literally make a “logs” database, so you’d have to tweak some of it and make it so it fits with your use case; hence why it’s an open resource.