I wanted to make a realistic car for a long time, I tried out many ways to perfect the reflectivity of the material on the car. I turn the reflective scale up but, the metal is not so reflective as I think.
I’ve tried turning up the EnvironmentalSpecularScale to 1
I’ve tried turning up the EnvironmentalDiffuseScale to 1
Here is the result:
It did it’s job but it’s not as reflective.
Metal: The EnvironmentalDiffuseScale definitely made a big change but, the reflectivity in the middle. Not so reflective and not so dull, it looks like unpolished metal.
Foil: The EnvironmentalDiffuseScale definitely made a huge change. It made the shapes appear more than what it looks before. I personally like this texture the most because, it just looks more like aluminum foil.
DiamondPlate: The EnvironmentalDiffuseScale definitely made a big change as well. It made it more polished and clear. This is very good for Sci Fi games.
CorrodedMetal: The EnvironmentalDiffuseScale had made some changes in this one. It made the non rusted parts a little more polished and clear. The rust itself didn’t changed as much. It’s perfect the way it is now.
Conclusion: All of the different metals there is one common detail in all of them. They all reflect on the skybox and light but nothing else. I wanted metal to reflect off objects like decal, parts, meshes, etc. I wanted them to be more like mirrors. Also, why does decals not show up on glass??
This is an example of how light is being reflective of the metal but not the objects around them.
This is an example of what I mean of more reflective. See how all buildings surrounding the ball is being projected to the ball.
If you know a way to metal be more reflective please let me know.