How to make morph that changes into character that looks like the player's avatar

This is over confusing. I don’t know where to put that also there multiply characters like this and your probably frustrated. If you can try to plug it into the script. Also here what you call the character and local place of it.

local newChar = charsFolder:FindFirstChild(chosenCharacter):Clone()

Your probably going to take parts of the script out the main probably is that the script totally ignores your scripts.

local charsFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Characters")
local changeEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ChangePlayerCharacter")
	if charsFolder:FindFirstChild(chosenCharacter) then
		local newChar = charsFolder:FindFirstChild(chosenCharacter):Clone()
		local plrChar = player.Character
		if newChar:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
			newChar.PrimaryPart = newChar.HumanoidRootPart
		elseif newChar:FindFirstChild("Torso") and not newChar:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
			newChar.PrimaryPart = newChar.Torso

		newChar.Name = player.Name
		player.Character = newChar

		local rootPart = newChar:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or newChar:FindFirstChild("Torso")
		local plrRoot = player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")

		if rootPart and plrRoot then
			rootPart.CFrame = plrRoot.CFrame

		newChar.Parent = workspace

Am very sorry if am being hard or not smart.

is this your current morph script?

yes and this is what it does, its also it’s in a basic state for now.
robloxapp-20211113-1007417.wmv (1.0 MB)

you can just replace that script with this,

local function apply_morph(playercharacter, morph)
    local morphhumanoid = morph:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
    local playerhumanoid = playercharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
    local default_description = playerhumanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
    local head = default_description.Head
    local torso = default_description.Torso
    local l_arm = default_description.LeftArm
    local r_arm = default_description.RightArm
    local l_leg = default_description.LeftLeg
    local r_arm = default_description.RightArm

    local morphdescription = morphhumanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
    morphdescription.Head = head
	morphdescription.LeftArm = l_arm
	morphdescription.RightArm = r_arm
	morphdescription.LeftLeg = l_leg
	morphdescription.RightLeg = r_leg
	morphdescription.Torso = torso


and then whenever you want to morph the player, just do

apply_morph(game.Players.Ranger_Foxy.Character, game.ServerStorage.Mymorph)
-- you can replace the arguments with any character you want
-- first argument is for the player you want to morph
-- while second argument is for the character you want to morph the player into

No, it doesn’t work it needs the fireserver event to work.

okay, i’m going to give you an example of what i’m talking about. you have a UI which morph the player,
so in your UI, use a remote event that will fire the client input to the server whenever the client click the button in the UI, you should send the player character (the player who clicked) and the character you want to morph into.

--like this for example
local morphbutton = script.Parent --if the local script is inside the morph button
    game.ReplicatedStorage.MorphEvent:FireServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, game.ServerStorage.MyMorph)
    -- sends the player character and the morph character

now, when the server receives the remote, morph the received character with the also received morph character
(the MorphEvent (remote event) is just an example, you can replace it with any remote event you are currently using)

in the server script that will handle the morph

local function apply_morph(playercharacter, morph)
    local morphhumanoid = morph:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
    local playerhumanoid = playercharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
    local default_description = playerhumanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
    local head = default_description.Head
    local torso = default_description.Torso
    local l_arm = default_description.LeftArm
    local r_arm = default_description.RightArm
    local l_leg = default_description.LeftLeg
    local r_arm = default_description.RightArm

    local morphdescription = morphhumanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
    morphdescription.Head = head
	morphdescription.LeftArm = l_arm
	morphdescription.RightArm = r_arm
	morphdescription.LeftLeg = l_leg
	morphdescription.RightLeg = r_leg
	morphdescription.Torso = torso


game.ReplicatedStorage.MorphEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, char, morph)
    apply_morph(char, morph)


I recreated your server script and you should replace it with this.
you can just ignore the one above and just use this,

local charsFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Characters")
local changeEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ChangePlayerCharacter")

local function apply_morph(playercharacter, morph)
    local morphhumanoid = morph:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
    local playerhumanoid = playercharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
    local default_description = playerhumanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
    local head = default_description.Head
    local torso = default_description.Torso
    local l_arm = default_description.LeftArm
    local r_arm = default_description.RightArm
    local l_leg = default_description.LeftLeg
    local r_arm = default_description.RightArm

    local morphdescription = morphhumanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
    morphdescription.Head = head
	morphdescription.LeftArm = l_arm
	morphdescription.RightArm = r_arm
	morphdescription.LeftLeg = l_leg
	morphdescription.RightLeg = r_leg
	morphdescription.Torso = torso


	local char = player.Character
    apply_morph(char, chosenCharacter)

this should work now.

The button script doesn’t work but my original one does but the morph script doesn’t here is the error.

what line is that error occuring

your morph script the one that copies the player data and morphs them

where there exactly?

This text will be hidden

line 5 i post a picture of the error

yes i know but, how is it nil? also did you paste the exact script i made or you just edited it