How to make Moving Gradient

Could u elaborate on your question

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I mean as simple as making the text black and white gradient instead of a rainbow gradient? Just wondering how hard it would be to make it a black and white pattern.

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one of the easiest ways to do that would probably be just using the one he shows in the post but with only black and white


You can refer to this comment How to make Moving Gradient - #16 by vastqud

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question to our pro’s:
how can i extend (width) the gradient and back again?
I am currently using this script:

local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
local rainbow = script.Parent  -- GUI object
local grad = rainbow.UIGradient

local counter = 0       -- phase shift 
local w = math.pi / 12  -- frequency 
local CS = {}           -- colorsequence table
local num = 15 			-- number of colorsequence points (maxed at 15 or 16 I believe)
local frames = 0		-- frame counter, used to buffer if you want lower framerate updates

	if math.fmod(frames, 2) == 0 then
		for i = 0, num do
			local c = Color3.fromRGB(127 * math.sin(w*i + counter) + 128, 127 * math.sin(w*i + 2 * math.pi/3 + counter) + 128, 127*math.sin(w*i + 4*math.pi/3 + counter) + 128)
			table.insert(CS, i+1,, c))
		grad.Color =
		CS = {}
		counter = counter + math.pi/40
		if (counter >= math.pi * 2) then
			counter = 0
	if frames >= 1000 then
		frames = 0
	frames = frames + 1
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I am not sure what your question is. But if you are asking how to increase the time it takes to change to another color, then maybe change the w variable or counter variable.

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