How to make percentage

Im trying to percent to fraction but i cant how should i do that? and is that possible?

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ex) 10% = 100 * 0.1
20% = 100 * 0.2
30% = 100 * 0.3
40% = 100 * 0.4
50% = 100 * 0.5

local function to_frac(num)
	local _, frac = math.modf(num)
	return frac

print(to_frac(5/100)) -- 0.05
print(to_frac(10/100)) -- 0.1
print(to_frac(50/100)) -- 0.5

Is that what you want?

Maybe one of these might help

Any fractional equation will result in a number value.

a = 1/4 --> 0.25
b = 1/10 --> 0.1
c = 1/3 --> 0.3333333
d = 26/5 --> 5.2

To turn a number into a fractional number, you would have to show it in string format since number format is in decimal form. You just have to supply a denominator.

local ReturnWholeNumberWithFraction = true --Set to false if you just want the fraction without whole numbers. (Example: true --> 1 1/3, false --> 4/3)
function TurnNumberIntoFraction(Percentage,Denominator)
	local Num = Percentage/100 --converts it into a number
	local UnfittedNumberCount = (Num*Denominator) 
	local FittedNumberCount = math.floor(Num*Denominator)
	local Remainder = math.abs(UnfittedNumberCount - FittedNumberCount)  * Denominator 
	if ReturnWholeNumberWithFraction == true and Remainder ~= 0 then
		return tostring(FittedNumberCount).. " " .. tostring(Remainder).. "/" ..tostring(Denominator)
	elseif ReturnWholeNumberWithFraction == true  and Remainder == 0 then
		return tostring(FittedNumberCount)
		return tostring(Num*Denominator) .. "/" .. tostring(Denominator)
print(TurnNumberIntoFraction(520,5)) --Supplying a number percentage (520%) and a denominator (5).
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