Does anyone know how to make a plot system like this? How would I begin making one like that? I assume I would need to set up a camera and a datastore system?
Does anyone know how to make a plot system like this? How would I begin making one like that? I assume I would need to set up a camera and a datastore system?
The first thing you have to do, is to have a folder of all the plots. Whenever someone joins, tell the client which plots are available. Then, set the camera to one of the random available plots. You then need a gui. Whenever an arrow is pressed, loop through the plots. When they click claim, tell the server which plot they chose. If the plot is still available, then load their stuff in.
Edit: Literally a paragraph of “pseudocode” so you will have to figure out the code yourself GL
I want to learn how to code this, but im not sure where to begin.
If you want to learn how to code this go onto youtube to learn. If you need help with a specific topic (e.g. How do I move the camera?) either google it or ask on here. I can’t provide you with a whole script because you wouldn’t be learning and I have no idea how your game is formatted.
Edit: Found this on my first google search on the topic. Google has alot more stuff than you think How to Make a PLOT SYSTEM in ROBLOX! - YouTube
Hi! I will check it out, thank you so much!
You should start small. Asking for a step-by-step tutorial or even a full script isn’t the way to go. If you can’t script this, try to learn how to intuitively or from YouTube, or else you can start somewhere a bit smaller.