How to make proximity prompt open diolog?

I saw in one game that the owner managed to make it so that a proximity prompt would open a diolog from an npc without the default box you have to click, how would i do that?

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This should help.


and in a localscript:

    game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Menus[menu].Visible = true

I’m talking about the object diolog and not a GUI

object dialog? You mean ObjectText?

No diolog as in you can put choices in it, the default roblox diolog

You’ll have to script a custom gui for that

ik im super late but I got the script

	local head = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Head --the npc's head

	local Chat = {
		"what you want the npc to say 1",
		"what you want it to say 2" -- you can add more text to it but just configure the script below

	game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head, Chat[1], "Blue")
	game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head, Chat[2], "Blue")