How to make requests from Roblox to Discord

I’m trying to send requests from Roblox to Discord (GET, POST, DELETE).

In Studio the script that made these requests worked just fine, but when I tried it in a Roblox server it would just deny the request, only after that I found out that Roblox does not make requests to Discord directly anymore.

I have searched various solutions but without success as they would show only how to fix this problem for discord webhooks. The only solutions that got close to my problem suggested to use a proxy although I do not know how to set that up.

If what I would need to do requires setting up a website is there a way to host it on my pc? Since this script is not supposed to be running at all time.

Anyone know a solution for this?


I think you’re looking for this:


Thank you! Title seems promising, I’ll give it a look.

Alright so…
I tested the solution you sent me but unfortunately it did not work, now Studio acts like a Roblox server and is not able to make the request, the only thing that seems to work with it are the webhooks :confused:

Were you using HTTPService for it?

Yes, I was using HTTPService for it

Ok yeah HTTPService doesn’t work for stuff like that. You could try directing it to another website, which would make a request to Discord then

You can only post things using HTTPService. If you are trying to do these other features, I suggest you look into how to make a discord bot, and then trigger events on the discord bot to do these things.

That is what I am trying to do at the moment, to send the request to another website which then makes it do discord, but I don’t know where to start from

Try using , which allows you to put code in an area, which you can use to send to Discord. I don’t know what you’d put there, though, because I only know luau, nothing else. If you know JavaScript, you can use JavaScript

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I will try that as soon as possible

I’ve made an account and everything, but how exactly would I do that?

Do what?


After understanding how the site and JavaScript worked I got it to work, many thanks!