How to make retro Like Movement?

I’ve never heard of that before, so no idea how you found it, but it seems we have the world loaded in now! thank you!

but new error

19:13:16.642 Unable to assign property CFrame. CoordinateFrame expected, got Instance - Client - LocalScript:11
19:13:16.642 Stack Begin - Studio
19:13:16.642 Script ‘Players.NightMayRise.PlayerScripts.LocalScript’, Line 11 - Studio - LocalScript:11
19:13:16.642 Stack End - Studio

Are you sure you have .CFrame written at the CamPart in the function? If you do, could you send a screenshot of how the script looks like?

Yeah I see the issue, at line 11, write .CFrame behind the CamPart. You need to get the CFrame property of the part in order to set it to the camera


like this?

Camera.CFrame = game.Workspace.RoamCameras.CFrame.CamPart
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Nonono, switch them

Camera.CFrame = game.Workspace.RoamCameras.CamPart. CFrame

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just wondering, why do we switch them?


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We switch them because you’re getting a property of the camera part object, the property being the CFrame. So you first get the object by accessing the CamPart and then you get it’s Cframe property with the dot.

No problem, happy I could help

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ohh I see, thank you for your help again. I can’t believe it fought so hard not to work.

side note, do you always code on phone?

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No, never. I actually was about to go to sleep an hour ago, but I wanted to finish this issue, so I had to continue on phone

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ohh, I’M REALLY SORRY TO KEEP YOU UP THEN, I hope you have some good rest, thanks again for the help

I’ve kinda ran into a deadend, so I’ll just post a update. I get no errors, yet it won’t work. Very confusing stuff

local RunService = game:GetService(“RunService”)
local tweenService = game:GetService(“TweenService”)
local CamTweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0)
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local CameraViews = workspace:WaitForChild(“RoamCameras”)

repeat task.wait(0.2) until game:IsLoaded()

function tweenCameraView(pos,tweenTime)
tweenService:Create(Camera,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear),{CFrame = pos.CFrame}):Play()

local cd = false

if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then
if cd == true then return end
cd = true

Sorry for the late response, looks like you never set the cooldown back to false.

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thanks for the response, and help, though currently I’ve put the project on hold sadly. I hope I can come back to it when I feel more confident in my ability to make it, thanks again for the help!

Hows progress? Did you get your ability to continue with the project?

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holy moly talk about a callback, never finished the project sadly, which I hate to say. couldn’t figure it out, too low level of scripting. plus camera stuff IS NOT my strong suit. why ask about progress? I assume you yourself are trying to make something like this, correct? or did you just scroll too far down and found my post and asked about it?