How to make ship?

I need to make ship, so it will swim on water and go from side to side, is this possible? I dont need to make it move, but i want to make the water phisic similar to Tradelands - Roblox.
Edit: And how to make it go up the water and not go thru it.


If you see it yourself on the same platform then indeed it is possible (you witnessed it). Iā€™d suggest using body movers especially BodyPosition, BodyGyro and maybe BodyVelocity. There are many ways to script it and it would also depend on how you want it to work. I believe that topics on this are already created so try searching and look for solutions.

Thereā€™s a place template called ā€œPirate Islandā€ and it has a working ship last time I checked, but it might be broken.
Iā€™d recommend inspecting the script inside the pirate ship to see how it works.

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It didnt worked for meā€¦

I need this

This is not what the Category youā€™re posting in is for, instead of asking to be spoon-fed try to learn on your own or it will get you no where.

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I know, but i am asking if to use theens, body movers, ā€¦

Though I would suggest setting up Custom Physical Properties for the object , try experimenting with using different densities for the parts the boat is made out of.

But the problem is, that parts fall same in water as in air

If I remember correctly, wood parts float and metal parts sink, based on the material of the object.

However itā€™s worth noting that the ships at Tradelands do not actually ā€˜floatā€™, they just stay on one plane forever and move with some sort of velocity controlled by the vehicleseat.

Hey man. Making the ships you can either use blender or studio. If you choose studip then you can use csg or nothing but parts. Positive with csg is it looks cooler. Negative is it has some weird hitboxes sometimes.

For the moving the boats stay on one plane as mentioned above. They are then scripted using vectors to have a nice movement.
Hope I helped you. :wink:

While I recommend to try and learn how to do this yourself to help you learn how to code and tackle future problems - help to do so can be found here, I do have a boat that I scripted a while ago that can move and float on water. The file is below.

I would recommend to play around with the script and fully understand how it works to maximise how much you can gain from this - it will help you down the line for future problems you face. :slight_smile:

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Ok, but this is not my problem, i need to make it rotate from side to side

Thatā€™s why you need to play around with the code - you can easily change what the inputs do by changing the forces applied to the boat via the body movers. If needed you can add different body movers to suit you needs.

The code is found in the script which is parented to the boat.

Ok, i have problem that the ship dont even stand on the water.
BTW, this is its shape:

It does say in the ToS not to ask/give full scripts or systems.
I would use the water and have the part move using CFrame

Ok, i saw, that someone still answer on this, so I am giving info, that I solved it by combination of body gyro, body angular velocity, body velocity and custom physic


Hi, how did you boat side to side script turn out?

Thanks, I am working on a boat too, I know it was awhile agoā€¦