How to make smooth FOV tween script?

Thank guys, none of this is working for me, I give up, I will just hire someone to do this for me, thanks!

Thank Vibe, none of this is working for me, I give up, I will just hire someone to do this for me, thanks!


Yeah sorry, I normally dont give up easily, but this constant deleting scripts and trying this and that for scripts that dont work, and then retrying the same scripts is too much. I will just pay someone.

I know that you can use TweenService and this way may be slower, but the LocalScript just makes the tween more customizable than a tween object. TweenObjects works fine as well but they may not always go in the speed you want the to go at and how much you want to change.

I also heard that you wanted stuff to happen when the Player touched the part.

For this, you will have to create a RemoteEvent. I suggest placing it in ReplicatedStorage and for testing purposes, name it β€œFOVChanger”.


LocalScript (Place in StarterPlayerScripts):

local RemoteEvent = game:GetService([[ReplicatedStorage]]):WaitForChild([[FOVChanger]])

local robloxFovLimit = {
    min = 1;
    max = 120;
    default = 70;

local RunService = game:GetService([[RunService]])

local function pause(n)
    local t = os.time()
    repeat RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() until os.time() - t >= n

local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

local fovIsChanging = false

local function smoothFov(startFov, goal, fovPerInterval, interval)
    if startFov == nil then startFov = camera.FieldOfView end
    if startFov < robloxFovLimit.min or startFov > robloxFovLimit.max or goal < robloxFovLimit.min or goal > robloxFovLimit.max or startFov - goal == 0 or fovIsChanging == true then return end
    fovIsChanging = true
    for i = startFov, goal, fovPerInterval do
        camera.FieldOfView = i
    fovIsChanging = false


-- Usage example: smoothFov(camera.FieldOfView, 20, 0.3, 0.01)


local RemoteEvent = game:GetService([[ReplicatedStorage]]):WaitForChild([[FOVChanger]])

local Part = game.Workspace.Part -- change this to wanted part

    local Humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass([[Humanoid]])
    local Player = Humanoid and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Humanoid.Parent)
    local startingFOV = nil -- change to nil which sets to current fov or new starting fov (from 1 to 120)
    local goalFOV = 20 -- change the rest of the variables to wanted value
    local fovPerTick = 1 -- fov changes by this number every time a cetain amount of time passes
    local fovChangeCooldown = 0.05 -- cooldown until fov ticks/changes
    if Player then
        RemoteEvent:FireClient(Player, startingFOV, goalFOV, fovPerTick, fovChangeCooldown)

If you prefer to use a LocalScript only, use this script and place it in StarterPlayerScripts.

local Part = game.Workspace.Part -- change to wanted part
local LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local robloxFovLimit = {
    min = 1;
    max = 120;
    default = 70;

local RunService = game:GetService([[RunService]])

local function pause(n)
    local t = os.time()
    repeat RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() until os.time() - t >= n

local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

local fovIsChanging = false

local function smoothFov(startFov, goal, fovPerInterval, interval)
    if startFov == nil then startFov = camera.FieldOfView end
    if startFov < robloxFovLimit.min or startFov > robloxFovLimit.max or goal < robloxFovLimit.min or goal > robloxFovLimit.max or startFov - goal == 0 or fovIsChanging == true then return end
    fovIsChanging = true
    for i = startFov, goal, fovPerInterval do
        camera.FieldOfView = i
    fovIsChanging = false

    local Humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass([[Humanoid]])
    local Player = Humanoid and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Humanoid.Parent)
    if Player then
        if Player == LocalPlayer then
            local startingFOV = nil -- change to nil which sets to current fov or new starting fov (from 1 to 120)
            local goalFOV = 20 -- change the rest of the variables to wanted value
            local fovPerTick = 1 -- fov changes by this number every time a cetain amount of time passes
            local fovChangeCooldown = 0.05 -- cooldown until fov ticks/changes
            smoothFov(startingFOV, goalFOV, fovPerTick, fovChangeCooldown)

-- Usage example: smoothFov(camera.FieldOfView, 20, 0.3, 0.01)

I truly apologize for all the errors I’ve made in the script, but please just take this updated version of the script as a last try. You really don’t have to spend on hiring people.

Alright I’ll give it a try for the last time.

Yeah still does not work for me and I followed every exact step and double checked.

Alright, for real just change the camera variable to game.Workspace.Camera. You really just have to press backspace on Current, pretty easy. Try that and if it doesn’t work, then you can do whatever you want. Sorry for making this difficult, I really don’t want you to be spending when there is no need. I read up on it and it showed that the FOV is only apart of the Camera, so that is definitely the problem there.

not trying to be that one annoying person, but i don’t think you’re supposed to directly ask for scripts here
maybe ask for ideas?

Change this part of the script right?
Screen Shot 2022-05-09 at 1.50.06 AM

That is correct, change that part of the script.

You are being exactly what you tried not to be.

  1. It’s too late for that comment as you can see.
  2. It’s too late for that comment as you can see.

Alright, will give it a try shortly.

You’re not being annoying. I understand that asking directly for scripts is against #scripting-support rules (well I do recall seeing a rule about it), but sometimes people are desperate and need it, so it can help them understand better. It could help them learn faster from it and not go searching everywhere with no success.

Yeah still doesn’t work thanks for the help I’ll just have to hire someone

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Have you set the Part variable though?

Not sure what you mean, whenever I tried to edit anything I got errors.

I’m talking about this line, it specifically has a note saying to change the part variable to the part which you want to fire the function when’s it is touched…

Also if you didn’t touch that line yet, then go do it. On top of that change the line in the last message that I told you to change back to game.Workspace.CurrentCamera