yeah, now I see the problem. You have ManualWelds on every part, (don’t use them, they are deprecated, use Weld/Motor6D instead), and you also add Motor6Ds to every part in your script, but they can’t get Active because of the initial welds.
Here’s what you need to do
remove all the manual welds from the tank model (you can select them fast by typing in explorer c:weld (searches by class name)) (make sure all parts are anchored so they don’t fall on start)
think of Motor6Ds or Welds as joints that connect 2 parts together (the difference is Motor6D can be used in animations). When you add them, you should only modify the CFrame of these connected parts through the joints, otherwise it will break.
So anyways, if you want to rotate your turret and all its child parts, you need to
connect all turret’s children with motor6D/weld to 1 main turret part that will be rotated (in your case that would be the “PrimPart”
this is how your code in the “Framework” script should look like:
-- Welds everything to main part
for _, BasePart in pairs(script.Parent.Parent.BodyKit:GetDescendants()) do
if BasePart:IsA("BasePart") and BasePart.Name ~= "InvisParts" then
BasePart.CanCollide = false
BasePart.Massless = true
local Weld ="Motor6D")
Weld.Parent = BasePart
if BasePart.Parent.Name == "Turret" and BasePart.Name ~= "PrimPart" then
Weld.Part0 = BasePart.Parent.PrimPart
Weld.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.MainPart
Weld.Part1 = BasePart
Weld.C0 = Weld.Part0.CFrame:Inverse() * BasePart.CFrame
BasePart.Anchored = false
connect the PrimPart to the main tank part. This is the joint that you’re going to modify. Your mistake was that you modified the part’s CFrame directly. Instead you should modify the joint’s C0 property. Here’s how your code in “LocalScript” should look like
the only remaining thing would be to make the mouse position be relative instead of absolute, because the C0 is a relative CFrame of your part. You can check out this thread for it: Making a motor6d point in direction of mouse
Hello. I’ve tried doing this as best as i can and maybe i did something wrong but it doesnt seem to work. Whenever i test play the tracks fall apart and the turret also falls apart even though I anchored it.
Here is the updated version of th rbx file. tankhelp.rbxl (674.5 KB)
Ok i got you, here’s the project that is working for me: tankhelp_fix.rbxl (673.2 KB)
Here I removed the manualWelds only from BodyKit parts, because your tank driving script was dependent on the other welds, so I kept them. Also there was an issue with unanchoring parts before adding the motor6Ds which was causing them to fall down, so I moved it to the end
--Welds everything to main part
for _, BasePart in pairs(script.Parent.Parent.BodyKit:GetDescendants()) do
if BasePart:IsA("BasePart") and BasePart.Name ~= "InvisParts" then
BasePart.CanCollide = false
BasePart.Massless = true
local Weld ="Motor6D")
Weld.Parent = BasePart
if BasePart.Parent.Name == "Turret" and BasePart.Name ~= "PrimPart" then
Weld.Part0 = BasePart.Parent.PrimPart
Weld.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.MainPart
Weld.Part1 = BasePart
Weld.C0 = Weld.Part0.CFrame:Inverse() * BasePart.CFrame
BasePart.Anchored = false
If you’re not planning to use animations on them, you can replace the motor6Ds with weld.
Is there a way to disable rotation up and down so it only rotates like an actual tank would? Also the turret doesn’t seem to point to the mouse cursor.
Hello. I attempted to make it so the turret only moves side to side because rn its moving up and down which isnt realistic but I couldn’t quite figure out how to do that.
I’ve also moved the turret rotation script into the serverscript so it rotates on all clients.
And also is it possible to have the turret actually aim to the position of the cursor? cuz its about 90 degrees to the left side when i point forward.
and if you want it to only move on X axis, you should just change the Y position to be the same as the turret’s instead of the mouse. Here’s how your code should be:
local body = script.Tank.Value.BodyKit
local tool = script.Parent
local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.TankTurretRotation
local TurretUnion = script.Tank.Value.BodyKit.Turret.PrimaryPart
local function worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(motor6DJoint, worldCFrame)
local part1CF = motor6DJoint.Part1.CFrame
local c1Store = motor6DJoint.C1
local c0Store = motor6DJoint.C0
local relativeToPart1 =c0Store*c1Store:Inverse()*part1CF:Inverse()*worldCFrame*c1Store
relativeToPart1 -= relativeToPart1.Position
local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart1+c0Store.Position--New orientation but keep old C0 joint position
return goalC0CFrame
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, mousePosition)
local lookPos =, TurretUnion.CFrame.Position.Y, mousePosition.Z)
local goalCF = CFrame.lookAt(TurretUnion.CFrame.Position, lookPos)
TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0 = worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(TurretUnion.Motor6D, goalCF)
Oh my god this is awesome thank you so much . I’ve been trying to make this work for 2 weeks now and finally you’ve helped me. This is so helpful thank you very much.
Whilst we’re here is it also possible to make the barrel part of the turret go up down? And if you cant/dont want to then thats perfectly fine you’ve already helped so much. Thank you
No problem Barrel up and down can be done exactly the same way as the turret, the only difference would be to change the Y axis instead of X like in turret’s case. I’m sure you can figure it out.
For shooting, you can try google-ing or searching it on youtube, there are lots of videos & roblox forum topics explaining how it is done.
If you’ll have questions with them, you can just make a new topic like you made this one
here’s a good video I found on turret rotation and shooting, you can check it out. It also uses hingeConstraints for rotation, so you can try that way for rotation as well
Hello. Thanks for this video. It was quite helpful.
I have 1 more request that i can’t quite figure out on my own and i figured you’d know why.
So the turret being locked is great but whenever i go down hill for example it stays level and doesnt like follow the tank if that makes sense.
-- Function to calculate C0 from the world CFrame
local function worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(motor6DJoint, worldCFrame)
local part1CF = motor6DJoint.Part1.CFrame
local c1Store = motor6DJoint.C1
local c0Store = motor6DJoint.C0
local relativeToPart1 = c0Store * c1Store:Inverse() * part1CF:Inverse() * worldCFrame * c1Store
relativeToPart1 -= relativeToPart1.Position
local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart1 + c0Store.Position
return goalC0CFrame
local rotationSpeed = 0.05
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, mousePosition)
local turretPos = TurretUnion.CFrame.Position
local lookPos =, turretPos.Y, mousePosition.Z) -- Adjust Y to maintain current height
local goalCF = CFrame.lookAt(turretPos, lookPos,, 1, 0)) -- Ensure up vector is vertical
local currentCF = TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0
local newCF = worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(TurretUnion.Motor6D, goalCF)
TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0 = currentCF:Lerp(newCF, rotationSpeed)
oh, you’re correct, my bad. You should actually change it to only affect Y component after converting it to relative cframe. Here’s the fix:
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, mousePosition)
local goalCF = CFrame.lookAt(TurretUnion.CFrame.Position, mousePosition)
goalCF = worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(TurretUnion.Motor6D, goalCF)
local _, y, _ = goalCF:ToOrientation() -- Get the X, Y, Z rotation components
goalCF = * CFrame.Angles(0, y, 0)
TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0 = TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0:Lerp(goalCF, rotationSpeed)
Hello. Found another small issue that i also dont know how to fix. Sorry for asking so much
I’ve made a rotationspeed so its like an actual tank but wheever the players FPS is set to 240 for example the speed is insanely fast and vice versa.
How do i fix this?
-- Function to calculate C0 from the world CFrame
local function worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(motor6DJoint, worldCFrame)
local part1CF = motor6DJoint.Part1.CFrame
local c1Store = motor6DJoint.C1
local c0Store = motor6DJoint.C0
local relativeToPart1 = c0Store * c1Store:Inverse() * part1CF:Inverse() * worldCFrame * c1Store
relativeToPart1 = relativeToPart1 - relativeToPart1.Position
local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart1 + c0Store.Position
return goalC0CFrame
local rotationSpeed = 0.02 -- Adjust the rotation speed as needed
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, mousePosition)
local turretPosition = TurretUnion.CFrame.Position
local lookAtDirection = (mousePosition - turretPosition).unit -- Direction to look at
-- Calculate the goal orientation
local goalLookAtCF = CFrame.lookAt(,, 0, lookAtDirection.Z))
-- Convert to local CFrame relative to Motor6D
local goalCF = worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(TurretUnion.Motor6D, goalLookAtCF)
-- Extract Y rotation to maintain turret's current Y rotation
local _, y, _ = goalCF:ToOrientation()
goalCF = * CFrame.Angles(0, y, 0)
-- Gradually rotate towards the goal
TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0 = TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0:Lerp(goalCF, rotationSpeed)
that’s because in functions like Heartbeat/RenderStepped that run every frame, if you have more frames per second, then it will run more times. That’s why you need to account the deltaTime (time passed between this and previous frame) property, which is the default argument for such functions. You need to pass the deltaTime to your function, and multiply by it.
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, dt, mousePosition)
local turretPosition = TurretUnion.CFrame.Position
local lookAtDirection = (mousePosition - turretPosition).unit -- Direction to look at
-- Calculate the goal orientation
local goalLookAtCF = CFrame.lookAt(,, 0, lookAtDirection.Z))
-- Convert to local CFrame relative to Motor6D
local goalCF = worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(TurretUnion.Motor6D, goalLookAtCF)
-- Extract Y rotation to maintain turret's current Y rotation
local _, y, _ = goalCF:ToOrientation()
goalCF = * CFrame.Angles(0, y, 0)
-- Gradually rotate towards the goal
TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0 = TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0:Lerp(goalCF, rotationSpeed * dt)
Once again you save my life. Dude genuinely thank you so much for helping me out these last couple days it means the world to me
Now idk if this is the kind of stuff you’re also really good at but for some odd reason it deducts 2 from the TotalAmmo intvalue when you reload. Im assuming its because the reload function is fired twice but i cant seem to figure out why. Can you help here? If no, no sweat you’ve already helped PLENTY. Thank you so much
local body = script.Tank.Value.BodyKit
local tool = script.Parent
local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.TankSystem.RemoteEvents.TankTurretRotation
local TurretUnion = script.Tank.Value.BodyKit.Turret.PrimaryPart
local fireShell = event.Parent.FireShell
local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local config = script.Tank.Value.Seat.Configuration
local ammoLeft = config.AmmoLeft
local totalAmmo = config.TotalAmmo
local reloading = false
local turret = script.Tank.Value.BodyKit.Turret -- Assuming turret is a model with PrimaryPart set
local startPart = script.Tank.Value.BodyKit.Turret.FirePart
local muzzlePart = script.Tank.Value.BodyKit.Turret.MuzzlePart
local barrelPart = script.Tank.Value.BodyKit.Turret.BarrelPart
local function Shoot(mousePosition)
if not turret.PrimaryPart then
warn("Turret does not have a PrimaryPart set!")
local turretPosition = startPart.Position
-- Get direction from turret to mouse position
local direction = (mousePosition - turretPosition).Unit
-- Raycast to detect impact point
local rayParams =
rayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {body} -- Ignore the tank itself
rayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
local rayResult = game.Workspace:Raycast(turretPosition, direction * 1000, rayParams)
-- Fire sound
local fireSound ="Sound")
fireSound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://8213064126"
fireSound.Volume = 0.75
fireSound.Parent = barrelPart
if not fireSound.Playing then
-- Explosion effect
local function createExplosionAtImpact(hitPosition)
local explosion ="Explosion")
explosion.Position = hitPosition
explosion.BlastRadius = 100
explosion.BlastPressure = 0 -- Increased explosion impact
explosion.ExplosionType = Enum.ExplosionType.NoCraters
explosion.Parent = game.Workspace
-- If the ray hits something, create explosion at the correct position
if rayResult then
local hitPosition = rayResult.Position
local distance = (hitPosition - turretPosition).Magnitude
-- Adjust delay based on realistic shell speed
local shellSpeed = 500 -- Adjust shell velocity
local delayTime = distance / shellSpeed
task.delay(delayTime, function()
local function reload()
-- Prevent reloading if already in the process or if there's ammo left
if reloading or ammoLeft.Value >= 1 or totalAmmo.Value <= 0 then
reloading = true
local reloadSound ="Sound")
reloadSound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://2721754456"
reloadSound.Volume = 0.75
reloadSound.Parent = barrelPart
if not reloadSound.Playing then
wait(3) -- Wait for reload time
-- Only reload if totalAmmo is available
if totalAmmo.Value > 0 then
ammoLeft.Value = 1 -- Refill one ammo
totalAmmo.Value = totalAmmo.Value - 1 -- Decrease totalAmmo by 1
reloading = false
event.Parent.FireShell.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, mouseHitPosition)
if ammoLeft.Value > 0 and not reloading then
ammoLeft.Value = ammoLeft.Value - 1
if ammoLeft.Value <= 0 and totalAmmo.Value >= 1 and not reloading then
-- Function to calculate C0 from the world CFrame
local function worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(motor6DJoint, worldCFrame)
local part1CF = motor6DJoint.Part1.CFrame
local c1Store = motor6DJoint.C1
local c0Store = motor6DJoint.C0
local relativeToPart1 = c0Store * c1Store:Inverse() * part1CF:Inverse() * worldCFrame * c1Store
relativeToPart1 = relativeToPart1 - relativeToPart1.Position
local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart1 + c0Store.Position
return goalC0CFrame
local rotationSpeed = 1.3 -- Adjust the rotation speed as needed
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, dt, mousePosition)
local turretPosition = TurretUnion.CFrame.Position
local lookAtDirection = (mousePosition - turretPosition).unit -- Direction to look at
-- Calculate the goal orientation
local goalLookAtCF = CFrame.lookAt(,, 0, lookAtDirection.Z))
-- Convert to local CFrame relative to Motor6D
local goalCF = worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(TurretUnion.Motor6D, goalLookAtCF)
-- Extract Y rotation to maintain turret's current Y rotation
local _, y, _ = goalCF:ToOrientation()
goalCF = * CFrame.Angles(0, y, 0)
-- Gradually rotate towards the goal
TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0 = TurretUnion.Motor6D.C0:Lerp(goalCF, rotationSpeed * dt)
And i dont wanna sound needy so if u dont wanna help any more thats perfectly fine but do you know how to make it shoot a ray out? I had this feature but i was shooting a part out but it was messing up with the collission system and the explosions were happenening prematurely so i switched to this.
But absolutely no worries if u dont wanna help out with that
the GetPropertyChangedSignal is being called twice for some reason. But you don’t really need it, you should never use these unless no other choice. You can just move your reload code after shooting and it will work.
event.Parent.FireShell.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, mouseHitPosition)
if ammoLeft.Value > 0 and not reloading then
ammoLeft.Value = ammoLeft.Value - 1
if ammoLeft.Value <= 0 and totalAmmo.Value >= 1 then
as for collision issues, you should print what part is your bullet colliding with, and disable their collisions if not needed, or add NoCollisionConstraint between your bullet and parts that you want to not collide. If they don’t collide but the touched function is being called, you can also disable “CanTouch” on those parts and it should work.