How to make the camera follow ONLY the orientation of the players head instead of the position?

No, it’s not necessary to have a fake head. You can use it with practically anything that’s a basepart.

Sadly, i only know how to make the camera only follow the Roll axis on the FakeCamera/Head (whichever you want the camera to follow.)

local Character = script.Parent
local Head = Character.Head

local _,_,Roll = Head:ToOrientation()

workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0,0,Roll)

This post SHOULD help you, though.

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For some reason, it gave me this error: ToOrientation is not a valid member of Part "Workspace.Heitorsonic123508.Head"

Forgot to put CFrame there,

local Character = script.Parent
local Head = Character.Head

local _,_,Roll = Head.CFrame:ToOrientation()

workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0,0,Roll)

IT WORKED!!! Thank you so much!

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No problem, glad to help ya out. :slight_smile:

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