or you have module of something like this, please help
This looks like when I move mouse in one position, this tween make this negative rot orientation
Maybe everytime the mouse moves, you figure out its direction with magnitude and put it in a tween service to tween its position and rotation(with enum.EasingStyle.Elastic)
Basically everytime the mouse moves, a tween is fired about the elastic rotation that will start to wobble when the mouse has low speed
Ill really try a write this but my skills is bad, you know how to make it in XY Angles
Do you mean XZ angles, because it goes against the ground not in the air
If so, ill probably do something like this
function raycast()
--Raycasting things
return raycast_result
local pos = raycast()
local model_primarypart = [model directory].PrimaryPart
--Set the primary part to be anything in the model
model_primarypart.CFrame = model_primarypart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(20, 0 0)
game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(model_primarypart, TweenInfo.new(0.25, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic), {CFrame = model_primarypart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(-20, 0 0)}):Play()
Keep in mind this isnt tested, just something i wrote out; notify any errors
yes this basic for me, i need really work module by video
what do you mean work module, do u mean a module script for this?
can you make a same thing like in video?
paying 5k robux for this module
you can probably try using the Spring module for this using this post as a guide