How to make TimeOfDay update to be the current time. Without HTTPService

Or actually it is. Are you waiting 60 seconds for the loop.

I’ve got this:

If the loop wait time is 60 seconds. You’ll have to wait a minute for it to go through the first time.

local timeTable ="!*t") – Gets information about the current UCT time.
game:GetService(“Lighting”).TimeOfDay = string.format("%0.2i:%0.2i:%0.2i", timeTable.hour, timeTable.min, timeTable.sec)

while wait(60) do
local timeTable ="!*t") – Gets information about the current UCT time.
game:GetService(“Lighting”).TimeOfDay = string.format("%0.2i:%0.2i:%0.2i", timeTable.hour, timeTable.min, timeTable.sec)

Try this. It should work.


I’ll give it a go now and get back to you, thanks.

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That is brilliant dude! It is updating the loop now, thank you both very much for your help - I greatly appreciate it, a brilliant script you’ve got going on there, it will definitely improve realism within games.

Cheers dude :+1:

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