How to make UI point towards part (based on camera rotation)

I’m trying to create a sort of compass type thing, that will point towards a part

local ClosestItem, ClosestItemDistance
	for _, item in pairs(Items:GetChildren()) do
		local Distance = (item.Position - Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude
		if Distance <= MaximumDistance then -- Within range
			if ClosestItem then -- Already a closest item, check if closer
				if Distance < ClosestItemDistance then
					ClosestItem = item
					ClosestItemDistance = Distance
				ClosestItem = item
				ClosestItemDistance = Distance

	if not ClosestItem then return end

	-- Work out CFrame
	local pos = Camera.CFrame.Position - ClosestItem.Position
	local rot = -math.deg(math.atan2(pos.X, pos.Z)) + 90
	if rot < 0 then
		rot += 360
	Tracker.Rotation = rot

However if this red part is the part I’m looking for, it doesn’t properly match. The way to tell which way the pointer is pointing is the square at the top.

The black frame is whats in studio (Tracker) while the red arrow is to show where the black should be point


Check out WorldToScreenPoint. It will return coordinates on the screen, you can then use those coordinates as a Vector2 to calculate the rotation to make for the UI element.

To calculate the rotation (vec2 being your WorldToScreenPoint, vec1 being your current compass position):

math.deg(math.atan2(vec2.Y - vec1.Y, vec2.X - vec1.X)) + 90
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Not entirely how to go about fixing it, but not working :confused:

local rot = math.deg(math.atan2(vector.Y - ClosestItem.Position.Y, vector.X - ClosestItem.Position.X))
if rot < 0 then
	rot += 360

This should definitely work, as this is the result:

You may not be using the correct position for the compass. This is what I have done taking from the WorldToScreenPoint article’s code and applying the formula. I’ve added + 90 as it appears there was an offset.

local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local vector, onScreen = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(workspace.Part.Position)
local screenPoint =, vector.Y)
local frame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame
frame.Rotation = math.deg(math.atan2(screenPoint.Y - frame.AbsolutePosition.Y, screenPoint.X - frame.AbsolutePosition.X)) + 90

How can I get it so the top of the frame is always what’s pointing, and not just rotating, as the arrow is at the top of the frame, but gets flipped to be at the bottom?

Have you ever figured out how to make the UI turn depending on where the player is facing? Making a minimap, and need some help with this.

This topic is useful for finding which way the player is facing.

If you set a constant for which Vector is North, you can rotate the UI in direct proportion to the player’s LookVector, could use CFrames.

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This code works. Although the arrow needs to be calculated from the center. What worked for me is, I created an invisible frame, set the AnchorPoint to (0.5, 0.5) and set the Position also to (0.5, 0.5) - this is the center of the screen.

After that I just did the formula:

    -- Get Object
	local object: Model = GetNearestObject(player)
	-- Get positions
	local objectPoint = object:GetPivot().Position
	local _vector, onScreen = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(objectPoint)
	local screenPoint =, _vector.Y)
	-- Calculate angle (centerPoint is the frame in the center)
	local angle = math.deg(math.atan2(screenPoint.Y - centerPoint.AbsolutePosition.Y, screenPoint.X - centerPoint.AbsolutePosition.X)) + 90
	diractionAroow.Rotation = angle