How to make UIStroke same thick on different screen sizes

Hi Other Developers,

Not much of a UI designer so I’ve been running into this problem where UIStrokes are different Sizes on different screens

Here are some examples
Screenshot 2024-04-17 151701

Quite a bit difference, is there anyway to stop this from happening?
Thanks a lot!


Unfortunately, there isn’t an official way to make the UI Stroke fit on all devices, you could should make the icon in an external UI website and then export it to Roblox Studio as this would make the stroke fit on all screens, If you can’t though, then there is a hacky way using scripts to do it. Keep in mind this is a hacky way and could lead to some issues.

You can create a script that automatically rescales the UIStroke’s thickness based on the user’s screen size.

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local UIStroke =

local DEFAULT_VIEWPORT =, 1080) -- Since I always have my screen emulated to 1920x1080

function minimize(vector2: Vector2)
	return math.min(vector2.X, vector2.Y)

function CompareRatio(viewportSize: Vector2)
	return minimize(Camera.ViewportSize) / minimize(viewportSize)

-- The size of the screen when you created or adjusted the UIStroke thickness.
-- Viewport attribute incase you adjusted the thickness using different screen size. 
-- I recommend on just using the DEFAULT_VIEWPORT. 
-- Just emulate your studio's screen to that size.
local Viewport = UIStroke:GetAttribute("Viewport") or DEFAULT_VIEWPORT
local OriginalThickness = UIStroke.Thickness
UIStroke.Thickness = OriginalThickness * CompareRatio(Viewport )

-- You can add a camera viewport change listener and update the new thickness.

I recommend applying this system with CollectionService.

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