How to move a lot of objects smoothly on server and client and at the same time without delay and desynchronization? (Enemy / Units System)

Hey i got to workin, avoided the usage of Tweens or AlignPosition and decided to use this for my client movement.
I enhanced your code and instead of using it to move i used it to set the position it should go to.

enemy.Position = calc -- / 50, enemy.Model.PrimaryPart.Position.Y, v2int16.Y / 50)
enemy.Moved = 0 -- this will be how my code will movement work.

and I used a heartbeat to create the effect that the enemy is moving by using lerping and pivot to…

	for i,v in ipairs(enemies) do
		local model = v.Model
		v.Moved += dt * v.Speed
		if not v.Position then v.Moved = 0 continue end -- this is just an unnecessary checkk that i still want to keep.
		local position = v.Position
		local lerp = model.PrimaryPart.Position:Lerp(position, v.Moved)

and this is what I got.
It “boosted” the movement at the start but it’s constant after that so essentially its just for vanity.

I used AlignPosition and it lagged by 300 enemies, I can’t get tweens to work so I gave up, this is imo the optimal way I could do client movement.
for rotation? currently working on it.

Run service is the best of the options like you said, I made a character system based on it and it ran pretty smoothly, all you have to do is to replicate those characters’ data, like health and their appearance.
My system could run 1500 characters with 60 FPS.
Here’s a video showcasing it:
robloxapp-20220801-1150510.wmv (3.4 MB)

There’s frame rate with one thousand characters.

I’m using the RunService method, it was working perfectly, I let the client move client’s enemy and on the server its only a table, but i have something to ask, how do u make them have smooth turning? ive been asking some ppl about it they say they make a subnode or whatever it is to make a smooth turning

smooth turning can be done by bezier curves