how do you actually move a model because there is no property of CFrame or Position in it would an answer be like moving the parts or objects inside the model to a certain point?
Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(TheTargetCFrame) should work.
great but how about tweening them to another position
You would tween the primary part I think. (not sure)
Just make a loop that lerps the CFrame.
I dont think it works like that, animating only the Primary Part wont work. Only Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() moves the entire model.
What is my best suggestion is to make an hitbox then anchor it,disable the can collide and make it transparent,use that hitbox as a primary part CFrame and use Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( You could use :MoveTo() method. Or you could get the descendant of the model and loop through them (if you want to use tween)
Id prefer SetPrimaryPartCFrame(), though if youre just gonna move the positions then :MoveTo() is the answer for you.
Then, that tutorial should be the answer for OP’s question.
is used for moving models. If you find it hard to use it, another not so good way to do is to loop all the parts inside the model to a position or CFrame.
You can also set the main part of the model as the primary part of the model and weld all the other parts to the primary part and just set the position/CFrame of the primary part.
here is an problem if i dont add a break it doesnt work and if i even added it it wont work neither here is the piece of code
game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.MultipleSwords.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, Pos)
if not MultipleSwordsDebounce then
local function SpawnSwords(Swords, Character)
local ClonedSwords = Swords:Clone()
ClonedSwords.Parent = Character.Head
ClonedSwords:MoveTo(Character.Head.Position +,6,0))
local function MoveSwords(Swords, Character)
local Swords = Character.Head.Swords
for _, AllSwords in pairs(Swords:GetChildren()) do
local Tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local TweenStuff = TweenService:Create(AllSwords, Tweeninfo, {
Position = Pos
Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
local flying = false
local function Fly(Character)
flying = true
local myHRP = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local flying = false
local speed = 0.5
local bp ="BodyPosition", myHRP)
bp.MaxForce =
bp.D = 10
bp.P = 10000
local bg ="BodyGyro", myHRP)
bg.MaxTorque =
bg.D = 10
while flying do
bp.Position = myHRP.Position +((myHRP.Position - camera.CFrame.p).unit * speed)
bg.CFrame =, myHRP.Position)
local function EndFly(Character)
local bp = Character.HumanoidRootPart.BodyPosition
local bg = Character.HumanoidRootPart.BodyGyro
bp.MaxForce =
bg.MaxTorque =
flying = false
MultipleSwordsDebounce = true
local Swords = game.ReplicatedStorage.GameObjects.Swords
local Character = player.Character
local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Character.AnimationTracks.MultiSwords)
-- Fly(Character)
Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
SpawnSwords(Swords, Character)
-- play anim
MoveSwords(Swords, Character)
-- EndFly(Character)
MultipleSwordsDebounce = false
As you’ve localised the functions I believe that the two functions run with independent values of flying, if you remove ‘local function’ and replace it with ‘function’ this should reflect the behaviour you wanted.
When moving a model you can either use :MoveTo() which will move the model to the best spot, so if a model can’t fit in the space it will place it above it or :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() which will move the model to the CFrame irregardless of whether it will fit.
To move it smoothly, weld all parts to a primary part and then tween said primary part: the player’s primary part for example is the humanoid root part.
Hopefully this should solve all your problems / questions you’ve been having.
can you give me an example of the primary part i don’t know how and how to make it and position it correctly
fixed all of the problems i now need to figure out why it only moves 1 sword and not the others
any idea why? if you need the code it is here
function MoveSwords(Swords, Character, Pos)
local Swords = Character.Head.Swords
for _, AllSwords in pairs(Swords:GetChildren()) do
local Tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local TweenStuff = TweenService:Create(AllSwords, Tweeninfo, {
Position = Pos
MultiSwordEvent = AllSwords.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if player then
local character = player.Character
if character then
local Humanoid = character.Humanoid
if Humanoid then
Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
MultiSwordEvent = nil
MultipleSwordsDebounce = false
Well if you have a ‘break’ at the end, you essentially break the loop of all the swords hence it wont work.
A primary part is just a part which you specify - its not an actual thing. Any part can be a primary part in a model (and under a model’s property you can set said part to make things easier as well as allowing for parts to have specific names on top of this) - just as long as all parts are welded to that central part they’ll move as if they are one.
ok that solves all stuff but when i notice that the part moves it moves at one point but i wanted it to have each pos different from each other
Please never use SetPrimaryPartCFrame unless you aren’t going to be calling it often. It tears models apart slowly and if accuracy is something you value, it will go down overtime and you will see visible drifts. It takes a few hundred calls before it gets there, but you can fast travel there with tweening.
changeno linked a tutorial I wrote on tweening models which you should check out. It’s some posts up.