How to move CFrame during animation?

Yes, I am able to see it (30 word limit)

This would be the clip for when I used the repeat animation event:


This would be the fix you suggested to me:


Also I dont quite understand what you mean by this.

I misunderstood your issue, my apologies. Have you tried this on an actual character instead of a dummy? Like your own character

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I have not tried your fix on anything other than an NPC if thats what youre asking.

+Ensure that your npc is properly rigged

I use the rig builder under the Avatar dropdown in studio, it should come rigged correctly I would hope.

It’s really strange that the rootpart isn’t moving with the animation considering they’re rigged together, I haven’t had this issue before😅. What issue exactly happens that absolutely requires you to move the RootPart?

I set the position of the spawned pawn piece to the CFrame of the targeted player, 50 studs above them. Since the HRP stays right in front of me, the chess piece slams into me haha.

Maybe the rig isnt right? How can I tell?

The torso will have the position you need

I believe the Torsos position doesnt change, which makes sense to me since the HRP doesn’t either…

It would be updating in properties if im correct.

I think the reason the RootPart dosen’t update is because after an animation is played, any changes the animation made will have to be reset. The torso will have the position you need since that’s what controls where the player is in an Animation

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I see what you mean and have updated it to correct itself. Is there a way to make it so that the pawn isnt at the same angle as the torso? Since the animation leaves the player looking up into the sky.

Nevermind I think I have it. (character limit)

You can set the position and not the entire cframe

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