How to not allow the Player to Move when Force Moving Them?

I recently made a Script where if a player touches the Part they move to a certain part
but the problem is in the process of them going to the part if they move at all pressing WASD or any button to move they dont continue to go to its position it just stops, how do I fix this?

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)
local Trigger = script.Parent
local Destination = script.Parent.Parent.Destination
local character = touched.Parent
if character and Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) then
print(“Moving Player To Destination”)
character.Humanoid:MoveTo(, 0.5, -41.55))
print(“Player Moved To Destination”)
script.Disabled = true

You could fire a remote event to unbind/rebind the player’s controls before and after the moving respectively.

Using this in a local script when the event is fired from the server.