Thank you, that helped me a lot!
Use module scripts to configure and loop through them. Here’s a post of mine in which I explained the method in detail
It was used to explain stuff in a different topic so just look at the examples I provided.
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Hmm interesting, ima try it out. Any thoughts on how could I do that on a skill tree?
You could store the values in table on a server script for that, something like:
Initializing the table
local SkillTrees = {}
SkillTrees[player] = CharacterSkillTree -- set whatever value the player skill tree is
Make a module for all the skill tree values
Creating a config module
local module = {
['SKILL 1'] = {
['Name'] = 'Some Skill 1'
['Stats'] = -- stats idk
return module
And then in a server script, you could do
Evaluating the player
local skillModule = require(pathtoModule)
for i, v in pairs(skillModule) do
if SkillTrees[player] == v['Name'] then
-- code that does something
Hope this helps.
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