Hello I have data that I need to store temperarily. I have the following:
High score, points, score
I am not asking about datastores but I mean like in the current game
How would I store this information for my game Furry detector 2.0 in a way that is good practice. I feel like using attributes/values are poor practice.
I was thinking of storing it in modules and having a function to get data for each individual thing.
What should I do that’s good practice amongst developers?
Hello @KrimsonWoIf, so what I do for most of my games is I use a datastore service that is outside Roblox. (a database that does not store data on roblox)
You could use the attributes and values route, which may be simpler but also messier. Another way would be to use a script to store the data, a bindable event to allow communication to pass the data for saving, and a bindable function to request the data (This way is only for the server), but you could use a remote function to get it on the client as @TenBlocke said.
This question can be answered in a few ways, most common ways for referencing data like High score, points, score are through storing number values/ int values in each player instances. Or another way is to have a main script keep track of all of these in a dictionary and each player can use remote functions to get data. For script to script usage you can get data with bindable functions
I know but I’m asking if there is a more organized and generally better practice method. (like using a module script to get the info maybe)
Also something that can’t be changed on the client (And I know values/Attributes only change for the client when changed on the client but I still don’t want that to be possible)
I actually don’t know if you’re able to require on the client so it might not be an option
Nvm you can lol i just said something really dumb I’ve been making to many server sided modules for people