How to patch exploit that fakes dev product purchases?

Exploiters can fire SignalPromptGamePassPurchaseFinished with the isPurchased parameter as true anytime, so make checks to see if they already received their reward with PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished.

It’s honestly not even that hard.

People are just not bothered:

  • to read docs FIRST
  • to learn what a callback is
  • -in general.

In all brutal honesty, if someone can’t be bothered to write good and sound code that involves the real-world money of players, it’s a shame on them.

This is a serious matter.
You can’t get complacent when you’re writing code that involves actual cash of your players.

Let this be a lesson.
You lads seriously just let an exploiter school you.

And it’s crazy that my solution took 6 months to blow up.
Imagine the damages between those 6 months - and the period before I even posted it.

Nah. The real shame is the lack of good teaching. I’m 100% self taught in Lua and I didn’t learn it from “reading docs”… I learned it from taking people’s existing scripts on some shady websites(we do a little slim shady :joy: ) and editing them to see what they do and I did this for many months until I eventually started to understand all of it. I don’t care what people think. Being honest, the only reason that dude was able to school everyone is because that’s the only good way to learn code anyway :joy_cat: The rabbit has to come out of the hat eventually :wink:

Oh yeah and if you think it’s some coincidence that Roblox hired literal exploiters aka the creators of Synapse to join their team… trust me, it’s not a coincidence :joy: they know how people learn to become so good at coding. They aren’t dumb. That’s just the problem. They’re smart. It saves them time and money to not teach people anything and force them to figure it out all on their own…

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