How to Position a Part With Attachment Offset

Hey there, been a while since I’ve posted on here.

Anyway, on point, I’ve been wondering how to position a part with it’s attachment offset. I may have worded this weirdly, so I provided a nice visual. :slightly_smiling_face:



P.S: I cannot use alignposition as I have tried it and the circumstances of my game do not allow for it to work. Also, I am trying to have this positioning be instant.

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You can just do this:

Hey, thanks for replying! However, I run into a problem where the part0 just… disappears… any idea why?

Yeah, no idea

Where’s the code.

Are the attachments in the correct setup like attachment0 is parented to Part0?

I looked at this for like 15 minutes maybe more then thought… Universal Constraint!

Honestly not much code, I am just looping a CFrame set with your exact code. Also yes, they are parented correctly.