How to program better: Use OOP!

Unlocking the Magic of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? OOP is like a superpower for developers, allowing you to create clean and organized code while making complex projects manageable. In this guide, we’ll simplify OOP principles and show you how to apply them in Lua.

What is OOP?

OOP, or Object-Oriented Programming, is a coding approach that helps you structure your code logically and manageably. At its core, it’s about creating ‘objects’ that hold data and functions to work with that data. Think of objects as building blocks for your code.

How Does OOP Help?

OOP introduces the concept of ‘abstraction.’ Abstraction allows you to perform tasks without worrying about the underlying complexities. For instance, when you create a car in a game, you don’t need to deal with its physics or rendering—abstraction takes care of that. This not only simplifies your code but also enhances collaboration among developers.

Creating Objects in Lua

In Lua, objects are represented as tables. Let’s say you want to create a car object. Instead of cluttering your code with car-specific data and functions, you can encapsulate them within a table. Here’s a simplified example:

Car = {}

function, driver, model)
    local newCar = {}
    newCar.Position = position
    newCar.Driver = driver
    newCar.Model = model
    return newCar

This ‘’ function serves as a constructor, creating new car objects with ease.

Adding Functions to Objects

To make objects truly useful, you can add functions to them. These functions are specific to the object’s behavior. For example, we can add a ‘Boost’ function to our car object:

function Car:Boost()
    self.Speed = self.Speed + 5

Now, you can boost your car’s speed simply by calling ‘car:Boost()’.

Inheritance: Expanding Possibilities

Inheritance is a powerful OOP concept that allows one class to inherit attributes and behaviors from another. Let’s say you want to create a ‘Truck’ class that shares some properties with the ‘Car’ class. Instead of duplicating code, you can inherit the ‘Car’ class:

Truck = {}
setmetatable(Truck, Car)

function, driver, model, powerup)
    local newTruck =, driver, model)
    newTruck.Powerup = powerup
    return newTruck

Now, your ‘Truck’ class inherits all the functions and attributes of the ‘Car’ class, allowing you to expand on it.

Simplify Your Code with Module Scripts

This OOP approach works seamlessly with module scripts, making your code modular and easy to manage. By splitting your code into smaller, reusable pieces, you can maintain a clean and organized project structure.


OOP is a valuable tool for developers, offering a structured way to create and manage objects in your code. Whether you’re building games, applications, or any software, understanding OOP principles can enhance your coding skills and make your projects more maintainable and collaborative."

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Very nice tutorial.

Huh, looks quite similar to this tutorial

I’m pretty sure Chatgpt was used for most if not all of this post.

Same thing can be accomplished with functional programming.

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I am sorry but there are too many tutorials on the same thing and yours doesn’t make it any thing new. Still good job and keep up the good work.