How to properly utilize UpdateAsync

It doesn’t seem as if I’m saying that. I didn’t ever say it wouldn’t run if there wasn’t data.

I’m pretty sure Roblox doesn’t have even talk about this on the Wikia or even reference it. That’s about what there is to it. UpdateAsync will try to queue it’s calls in the order they were called. Do you want some DataStoreService code from their database? Yeah I don’t think I would be able to find something like that. You wouldn’t be able to find anything either. this topic is about how to use UpdateAsync in the right way, not about how DataStore’s calls work internally.

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I’m pretty sure Roblox doesn’t have even talk about this on the Wikia or even reference it. That’s about what there is to it. UpdateAsync will try to queue it’s calls in the order they were called. Do you want some DataStoreService code from their database? Yeah I don’t think I would be able to find something like that. You wouldn’t be able to find anything either. this topic is about how to use UpdateAsync in the right way, not about how DataStore’s calls work internally.

This is well explained in many resources, therefore your point is invalid here. Infact, this is explained in the Roblox wiki page it self:

That has NOTHING to do with the queueing, stop spreading false information.


That has to do with queries, if you call UpdateAsync for a key and another UpdateAsync is being processed for that key, that UpdateAsync will be cancelled and queued to be called again after the one that is being processed is completed, this is clearly explained in the screen shot I showed you, I suggest you read it clearly before making bold accusations.

The tutorial explains the actual use of UpdateAsync() well and is beginner friendly. I believe it is useful and represents a firm step towards understanding of this method. Leaving aside how UpdateAsync works internally, the article has fulfilled its purpose. Good job.


This has been really helpful, I’ve seen and read through other updateasync “tutorials” but I’ve been kinda stumped on how it works and could be used in a more efficient way from setasync, and you explained it extremely well!