How to Ragdoll a player?

How do I make a player ragdoll server-side? I’ve tried this;


I’ve heard it only works client-side though. All I’m trying to achieve is a simple function that ragdolls the player for a few seconds and then unragdolls them.


this might help you if you want to run it client side

but I have never made a ragdoll script myself so, I don’t know how to do it server side


as you can change the state to any of those numbers, for example, state 0 will make the character get up.

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This will change their state to ragdoll, however you also need to disable all Motor6D constraints.

Here is a link to a helpful ragdoll script on the Humanoid:BreakJointsOnDeath announcement. It does however permanently ragdoll the humanoid so you would need to apply the reverse to return them to the previous state.


OP is already asking a question that uses HumanoidStateType as a parameter to the ChangeState function. Please fully read forum questions before jumping on every one to be the first to reply with no new information.


Thanks for the reply, but I have already tried this script and it really confused me. The biggest problem I have is that there is no “Part0” inside of Motor6D. Could you help me understand this better?

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it is a property visible in property tab anyways

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Part0 is a property of Motor6D and is not a child if that’s what you thought.

Check out the API for more info on Part0 and Part1.

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I have found an alternative for now, but I may use your solution if necessary. Thank you so much for the help :slight_smile:


Happy to help :slight_smile: Make sure you link the alternative for other people to use!