Hello! I’m doing my first game with pets and I need that random system. How should I do it?
an example:
*dog 80%
*cat 19.5%
*bird 0.5%
This is how I pick a random num, it prints 10.51, 43.35, 0.87 etc
num = (math.random(0,10000)) / 100
Hello! I’m doing my first game with pets and I need that random system. How should I do it?
an example:
*dog 80%
*cat 19.5%
*bird 0.5%
This is how I pick a random num, it prints 10.51, 43.35, 0.87 etc
num = (math.random(0,10000)) / 100
You wouldn’t need to divide it. Lua is not like Javascript.
math.random returns an integer, he doesn’t want an integer. Of course, he could just make his percentages integers.
Random.new():NextNumber(0.01, 100)
local Chances = {
{"dog", .8},
{"cat", .195},
{"bird"} -- bird will be the remaining percentage, so 1 - (.8+.195) = .005. Always have exactly one value with no number
local function GetChance()
local percent = math.random()
local current = 0
local default
for i, v in ipairs(Chances) do
if v[2] then
if (v[2]+current) >= percent then
return v[1]
current += v[2]
default = v[1]
return default
Correct me if I am wrong, you want a system that picks one of those values based on a percentage you get from the provided code.
Here is the code I wrote for this:
local pets = {
["Dog"] = 25.5,
["Cat"] = 24.5,
["Bird"] = 50
local function pickAPet()
--Picks a number
local num = (math.random(0,10000)) / 100
--Variable Used in Loop
local sum = 0
--Loop runs though the pets and their percents
for pet, percent in pairs(pets) do
--Adds the current pet's percent to the sum
sum = sum + percent
--If the num is less than the sum the num was in the range of the percent
if num < sum then
--returns the pet(in string(word) form). Ex. math.random returns a number.
return pet
--If your percents add to less than 100 there is a chance no pet will be found. Can be set to a default pet just in case(ex. "Dog")
return "nopet"
--Checks if this works(it does)
local times = 1000--must be an int
local bird = 0
local cat = 0
local dog = 0
for i = 1,times do
local pet = pickAPet()
if pet == "Bird" then
bird = bird + 1
if pet == "Cat" then
cat = cat + 1
if pet == "Dog" then
dog = dog + 1
The bottom is a check to see if it works(It’s a test I used and I thought it would be nice to have).