How to recreate This kind of movement?

Hello, I would like to recreate this kind of movement,

Would I create multiple animations to recreate it or would I use lerping?

If there is anybody who knows, please help me.


I’m not asking for a script I wanna know which method is used in the video, Lerping or multiple animations?

Btw I’m talking about the character leaning to the left, right, front, and back.

To make player’s Character leaning, this called Tilting Character and there are many articles talking about this. You should take a research before asking people on the Forum.

EDIT : If you want the Model, I found this in the Toolbox


Thank you for the source, but the script doesn’t work, also I did find a tutorial but it used the same script as the model and neither of them worked.

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i never used tween service before but i saw how it works

maybe SetPrimaryPartCFrame + tween service will work

or you could use for loop + SetPrimaryPartCFrame on the model

i never tried these so they might not work

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Make sure you make it as a LocalScript and put it inside StarterCharacterScripts.

first recording sucked (use third party program or use the default one windows gives you)

edit the animation.
in the move forward animation, you tilt the animation forward the way you liked
do the same in move backward animation but in the opposite direction

im not sure how you do it but im pretty sure you can smooth the animation in a way that makes it look like its tilting in the way you want

i think its animation weights but you’d have to check that yourself

Hello, Well It’s been 3 months and I figured it out a long time ago,

but thank you on the input anyway.

also I just used the normal Roblox Recorder Cause I was in a hurry.


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Here it is for R6: Directional Movement + Strafing / Tilting (R6) - Roblox